Navy Dads

Wow! It's been 5 years since I've posted here. Since graduation my son has become a SAR (Search and Rescue Swimmer) and is now in SWCC training.

Hope to hear from someone whose son/daughter is either a SWCC sailor or is presently in training.

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My son is an SB2 (Class 88).  How may I help?

Hi David and thank you for the kind reply. My son has gone though Pre-Buds and is now going into his third week in Coronado. He's a PO2 and an LPO in his class. He is in peak physical condition and even more so mentally. While under deployment he was working with the SEALs as a SAR. For one mission he was awarded the Navy & Marine Corp Commodation

I'm just wondering, since I only have a chance to speak with him on weekends, what he may be going through presently and what lies ahead of him?

Thank you again for the kind response.

Hi David and thank you for the kind reply. My son has gone though Pre-Buds and is now going into his third week in Coronado. He's a PO2 and an LPO in his class. He is in peak physical condition and even more so mentally. While under deployment he was working with the SEALs as a SAR. For one mission he was awarded the Navy & Marine Corp Commodation

I'm just wondering, since I only have a chance to speak with him on weekends, what he may be going through presently and what lies ahead of him?

Thank you again for the kind response.

David King said:

My son is an SB2 (Class 88).  How may I help?

P.S. He's SWCC class 108 

David King said:

My son is an SB2 (Class 88).  How may I help?

Class 108!  WOW!  Time flies.  It goes without saying that it has been a few years for me and the NSW program is constantly evolving, but to the best of my recollection at the end of Week 3 the SEALS & SWCC candidates will split into their individual training programs that is essentially the final stage of the weeding out process culminating in The Tour/Hell Week.  Your son will begin training on small boats (SEAL's use the rubber rafts), learning basic sea navigation, etc. in addition to all of the running, swimming, push ups, sit ups, etc. My son had access to his cell phone during this phase and we spoke every day.  Not sure if the rules have changed since then.  We have a family friend that was Gold Team Leader at DEVGRU for a few years and he told my son that the key to getting through was how you responded when you reached your breaking point.  Everyone reaches that point (the instructors will see to that), but the guys that make it through find a way to survive 1 more day, or just make it to lunch, or just make it 30 more minutes.  You get the picture.

I hope this helps.  Feel free to reach out to me if I can ever be of assistance.  I know how grueling it is to be on the other end of those phone calls!  

Thanks for the kind reply David. I spoke with my son last night. They can't make calls during the week, or so their told. Apparently a lot has changed and a lot has stayed the same. They are putting an extra emphasis on integrity as they've (the SO community) been getting a lot of heat lately in public view. 

We're not surprised that the instructors have not only put a great deal of responsibilities on his shoulders but hold him responsible for everything his men do. As it should be of course. Being the LPO of course does cut into a lot of his 'rest' time. A responsibility he gladly accepts. He has told me that the instructiors will cycle though LPO's at a given rate and that is quite normal. So far he's been LPO for several months which includes Pre-Buds.

I was surprised to hear that the infamous LOG is gone and has been replaced with several thick mooring lines braided together. It takes 6-8 men to haul around but the kicker is that several times a day the instructors will order the recruits to bring the rope down and soak it in the water, get wet and sandy and then haul it around. 

He's chaffed in the armpits and groin and is feeling his shin splints. 

As far as attitude, his constant response is "I'm happy to be here." And he means it. They've now brought in a Master Chief, SOMC, for leadership mentorship. He's very happy about this. I'm not sure that when your son was in if this has changed but my son has told me the first three weeks there is a high emphasis on introduction to what they can expect so they're actually, for these first three weeks only, being taught about the evolutions while doing them. Makes sense to me. 

David, thank you so much for your response. I'm sincerely grateful.


LOL!  I'm sure the logs are still around, but they are across the street in the SEAL compound.  SWCC Candidates work with the Hauser Lines, and yes they are quite brutal.  The instructors will rotate LPO's several times during the program and it generally starts with the guys that have been in the Navy for a while like your son and then will rotate to the guys that came in through the NSW Pipeline (the ones that enlisted specifically for NSW).  The integrity issue is being emphasized in the teams also.  As you said, it's been a rough couple of years for NSW on the PR front.  

Please keep me posted!



How are things going at the school house?  Any update on your son?


Thanks for checking in David. I speak to him every weekend. Bottom line is that he's crushing it. 3rd week of BCT. His only complaint is that he doesn't like the weekends because they get in the way of reaching his goal. His mindset shocks even me sometimes. 

Most importantly no injuries. (With the execption of bleeding nipples. Wet&Sandy)

Thank you again for the note.

Great!  Please keep me posted.  The community needs some more good operators.

Hell Week. (70 hours) Mission accomplished!

I was thinking about him this week.  My internal clock was thinking this was the week for The Tour and obviously it was right.  Congratulations!  He will rest up this weekend and begin the real world training on Monday.  Please keep me posted.



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