Navy Dads

My son just enlisted and is in the DEP program and he signed to become an AO.This rate is one of the Airdales? If so, are there any other AO families in the Airdales?

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Thanks Jim, I grew up with Airdales. They are considered very tough guard dogs in England equal to a Dobie. My Dad was a NJ State trooper and wasn't home much. So, he had 4 Airdales roaming around the property, no one ever bothered our family. I just couldn't figure out what it had to do with flying. Thanks for the welcome!! P.S. This AO rate makes me nervous, but my son is excited with the rate and thats what matters. So I may be asking some stupid questions,he just started the DEP program.

Jim Gramza said:
Hi there! Besides being a big dog, Airdale is a name given to any sailor that flies. Or has anything directly to do with flying. Doesn't have to be a pilot. Aircrew also. My son is a radar operator on the P-3 Orion. He is considered an Airdale. Welcome to!

My son is an ABE (green shirt) that works on the flight deck of the Reagan. The AO's are red shirts. He said the AO's on his ship have the coolest shirt on the roof. Their shirts read on the back " If you see me running you better try and keep up " Figured you'd get a kick out of that. Although the AO's work with explosives they are very well trained. My son says when the red shirts come rolling through with bombs you better get out of their way or be run over. They are very respected! Best of luck to John in his new journey.

snooky said:
Thanks Jim, I grew up with Airdales. They are considered very tough guard dogs in England equal to a Dobie. My Dad was a NJ State trooper and wasn't home much. So, he had 4 Airdales roaming around the property, no one ever bothered our family. I just couldn't figure out what it had to do with flying. Thanks for the welcome!! P.S. This AO rate makes me nervous, but my son is excited with the rate and thats what matters. So I may be asking some stupid questions,he just started the DEP program.

Jim Gramza said:
Hi there! Besides being a big dog, Airdale is a name given to any sailor that flies. Or has anything directly to do with flying. Doesn't have to be a pilot. Aircrew also. My son is a radar operator on the P-3 Orion. He is considered an Airdale. Welcome to!
Thanks- that is so funny!! I told my son what you said he thought it was great! He's getting red shirt attitude already. Johns recruiter is an AO and has been pumping him up about the rate. Hey, they have to have a little fun up there. They all have very tough jobs up on that deck!!

ND's Creator (EG) said:

My son is an ABE (green shirt) that works on the flight deck of the Reagan. The AO's are red shirts. He said the AO's on his ship have the coolest shirt on the roof. Their shirts read on the back " If you see me running you better try and keep up " Figured you'd get a kick out of that. Although the AO's work with explosives they are very well trained. My son says when the red shirts come rolling through with bombs you better get out of their way or be run over. They are very respected! Best of luck to John in his new journey.

snooky said:
Thanks Jim, I grew up with Airdales. They are considered very tough guard dogs in England equal to a Dobie. My Dad was a NJ State trooper and wasn't home much. So, he had 4 Airdales roaming around the property, no one ever bothered our family. I just couldn't figure out what it had to do with flying. Thanks for the welcome!! P.S. This AO rate makes me nervous, but my son is excited with the rate and thats what matters. So I may be asking some stupid questions,he just started the DEP program.

Jim Gramza said:
Hi there! Besides being a big dog, Airdale is a name given to any sailor that flies. Or has anything directly to do with flying. Doesn't have to be a pilot. Aircrew also. My son is a radar operator on the P-3 Orion. He is considered an Airdale. Welcome to!
My son is a AO stationed on the CVN 77 George HW Bush super carrier in Norfolk VA . They are tight knit group and watch out for each other and are in charge of most everthing on the carriers. They are in charge of ordinance which involves assemblying bombs and dis assemblying and loading the planes with bombs. They are also in charge of policeing the ship. They are very well respected on ship.
Besides being involved in Naval Aviation, an Airedale is a handsome, smart dog! Much better than being a Snipe!
Our son is an AO2 and has been stationed at NAF, Washington, DC, for the past 3+ years. In October, he we begin his next tour of duty......3 years as a Crew Chief with the Blue Angels!
We're certainly proud of him! Now, he just has to learn everything there is to learn about the F-18 Hornet! He has already started working with the study materials they emailed him so he will have a head start.

My son just arrived in Pensacola yesterday for A school.  He will be an AO but said he will have an opportunity to get back into the Air Crew Rescue Swimmer.  I am not at all sure what that means or how that could be but he has been flopping back and forth about what he would like to do.  He was wondering if the Blue Angels have AO's assigned to their squadron.  Looks like that can happen per Mike's post.


He called last night and said his orders had changed from 35 days of schooling to three months, I'm not sure but that sounds like a good thing.

Tim - How is your son doing in P'cola?



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