Navy Tiger Cruise: For those lucky enough to have the opportunity to sail on a Family Day or Tiger Cruise --- Some tips and helps... and a little bit of bragging too!
my son is currently deployed on the abraham lincoln and i am planning on going on a cruise with him in march. He sent me the medical/dental screening forms and said i needed to have my physician fill them out but the forn looks more like a questionnaire that i would fill out. iI was just wondering if sombody could give me some direction. It is hard to communicate back and forth with my son while he is deployed
Thank you for the information. Th form for the abraham lincoln is very similar to the one you posted. I did not think a physician needed to fill the form out but my son kept saying i needed to see my physician. I am looking forward to my first cruise and will definitely read the blogs .
This will be my last posting as our son's navy career has come full circle. My goodness, twenty years sure goes by fast!! It started with a trip to grand forks AB where he was sworn it as a navy enlinstee. His next step was 12 weeks of OCS. We went to see his commisioning ceremony to be sworn in as one of the 28 newest ensigns in the united states navy. Off to flight school where he completed training on the EA-6B Prowler. He managed to work in a navy wedding before he was deployed on CVN 70 Carl Vinson. He had two full depoloyments before being sent to flight instructor school and transition to the EA 18B. 12 years into his career he transitioned into the Naval reserve where he spent many hours each year flying the Growler. Every year he deployed to Japan so active duy pilots could stand down. The last milestone in his career was his final flight. The entire family (16) saw his last take off and 90 minutes later hs last landing. It was an emotional time when everyone realized his Navy career was really over. We are so proud of our son and his decision to serve his country.
What a great career! Give him a big Bravo Zulu from all of us at Navy Dads! Thank you William for being with us all these years. But just remember you will always be a Navy Dad! Best wishes to you son while he begins the next chapter of his life.
Jim Gramza
William M. Farmer said:
This will be my last posting as our son's navy career has come full circle. My goodness, twenty years sure goes by fast!! It started with a trip to grand forks AB where he was sworn it as a navy enlinstee. His next step was 12 weeks of OCS. We went to see his commisioning ceremony to be sworn in as one of the 28 newest ensigns in the united states navy. Off to flight school where he completed training on the EA-6B Prowler. He managed to work in a navy wedding before he was deployed on CVN 70 Carl Vinson. He had two full depoloyments before being sent to flight instructor school and transition to the EA 18B. 12 years into his career he transitioned into the Naval reserve where he spent many hours each year flying the Growler. Every year he deployed to Japan so active duy pilots could stand down. The last milestone in his career was his final flight. The entire family (16) saw his last take off and 90 minutes later hs last landing. It was an emotional time when everyone realized his Navy career was really over. We are so proud of our son and his decision to serve his country.
scott alan lonadier sr
Nov 22, 2010
William M. Farmer
on Monday
NavyDads CoAdmin Jim Gramza
What a great career! Give him a big Bravo Zulu from all of us at Navy Dads! Thank you William for being with us all these years. But just remember you will always be a Navy Dad! Best wishes to you son while he begins the next chapter of his life.
Jim Gramza
William M. Farmer said:
on Wednesday