Tiger Cruise or Family Day Cruise

Navy Tiger Cruise: For those lucky enough to have the opportunity to sail on a Family Day or Tiger Cruise --- Some tips and helps... and a little bit of bragging too!

Potential Theodore Roosevelt tiger cruise

My sailor informed me the other day that a potential exists for a tiger cruise on the Theodore Roosevelt on the final leg of their journey. Won't post dates etc here however after reading the other posts it seems as though i really wont be able to make any travel plans until ~ one month before ?

This wold be my first cruise and interested in connecting with those more experienced or anyone who may be lucky enough to be part of this event ( if it occurs of course )

Thank you 

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    paul murphy

    Hello sir 

    It looks like this is a go ..May i take you up on your offer to talk a bit about what i should expect etc?  Thank you

    Walker Criswell said:

    Paul   I would suggest that if you have not you should sign up with the Roosevelt Ombudsman group.  They are a great group they even give their phone numbers.  The latest Roosevelt news letter from the Captain said the Tiger Cruise is as of now unlikely.  As I write this I have all my toes and fingers crossed.  I got to go on the last tiger cruise and it was one of the coolest things I have ever done.  I very much want to do it again.  If you would like to talk to me about what I learned and experienced on that cruise please feel free to call me.  If I don't recognize the number I may not answer but if you leave me a short message I will call you back.   

    Walker Criswell    970-629-2184  

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    Frank Aquilonio

    Heading to cruise, should be pretty cool.

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    Frank Aquilonio

    count down is on..... wow!

                           Frank A.