Tiger Cruise or Family Day Cruise

Navy Tiger Cruise: For those lucky enough to have the opportunity to sail on a Family Day or Tiger Cruise --- Some tips and helps... and a little bit of bragging too!

A Sample Medical Screening Form for a Tiger Cruise

This was the form we had to fill out for our Tiger Cruise in April on the USS Theodore Roosevelt. This will give you an idea of what questions you'll have to answer.






TIGERMedicalScreen Blank.doc


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    NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    we did not unless there was a medical condition that could have impacted the cruise...I've heard that has changed and you MAY need to get signed off by a doctor....best to ask your sailor for an exact clarification
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    Mark Johnson

    I am going on the TR Tiger Cruise 2015 Nov . My sonsaid I was already on the list but I am wondering if I should get a medical exam. I dont want to get to Hawaii and not be able to board. Any comments would be greatly appreciated.


    Mark J



    subject Tiger Cruise

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    NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    don't know how they are doing medical clearances now.....I'd email your son and specifically ask ASAP
    Mark Skeet Johnson said:

    I am going on the TR Tiger Cruise 2015 Nov . My sonsaid I was already on the list but I am wondering if I should get a medical exam. I dont want to get to Hawaii and not be able to board. Any comments would be greatly appreciated.


    Mark J



    subject Tiger Cruise