Dads with Two or More in the Services

Anyone else out there that has more than one son or daughter in any of the Services.

I wish to join this group

I have one son leaving 12/1 for GL as MA  and another leaving in 02/11 for Gl and he wants to be HM
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    NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    that's great Terry.....braggin' right when you get to two serving! HM is a tough road but I imagine one of the most rewarding!! HooYah!!
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    Cyndi Seddon

    Hi all,

    I have a question:  Is there any way my Son who starts BootCamp on Mar14th, be able to watch his Sister graduate on Mar18th?  I heard there is a way or that it has happened before.  Thanks, Cyndi

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    NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    you could contact RTC and find out if they have a policy on this:

    Recruit Training Command
    3355 Illinois Street
    Great Lakes , IL 60088

    Phone:   Public Affairs Office 847-688-2405

    For personal and family related issues, please email RTC:

    Cyndi Seddon said:

    Hi all,

    I have a question:  Is there any way my Son who starts BootCamp on Mar14th, be able to watch his Sister graduate on Mar18th?  I heard there is a way or that it has happened before.  Thanks, Cyndi