Navy Boot Camp: Questions & Answers to what your Sailor will be doing at Recruit Training Command (RTC) Great Lakes, IL.

This Support Group is for Families & Friends with Recruits attending Navy Boot Camp.

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  • Eric Mount

    8 ounce filet medium rare. Cooked to perfection. Melted in my mouth :)
  • Grant Miller

    Our son graduated this weekend, also. I had a watched a PIR online awhile back. It was nice, but being there in person was much better. If possible for you, I highly recommend going and supporting your new Sailor. It was well worth it for us. Everyone we dealt with was very nice and accommodating to us and the Sailors. It was also nice getting to meet and talk with his Senior Chief RDC and some of the officers.
  • Mike J Johnson

    Got the I am a sailor call he sounds good but tired cant wait to see him.

  • Bill Black

    Mike J, congratulations! Now get ready for an experience that will probably be second only to the birth of your sailor. A buttonless shirt is recommended for PIR! :-)
  • Mike J Johnson

    Thanks Bill.

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    I have an post that you new Navy dads might find not only interesting, but that you may relate to.  A friend had his daughter ship off to Army basic training last week. She has communicated some of her experiences and you might find some parallels with what your new recruits are experiencing at Great Lakes.  He posted this on his FaceBook page and gave me permission to use his post. I've edited out the names:

    ***** Update 03/26/2014
    Got another letter from *****! A super awesome thing and blessing is that six or seven girls started to get together in the mornings for morning prayer and devotions. It is so awesome and thankful she says. She also said that it is a great boost and encouragement to meet with these young ladies. However she said there is a lot of spiritual warfare going on because of it with other women there. She still has no address and really wishing in a big way that she can get mail from family and friends. (NOTE FROM DAD: I heard that the best part of their day is when they get MAIL! So please, write to her when I release her address. Thank you so much for supporting her.)
    She misses everyone and she is going through junk food withdrawal, Especially Taco Bell and Hot Cheetoes. She also misses her music big time. She received her Dog Tags and says that’s epic. She has been able to attend Church on Sunday’s on the base and she is so thankful for that.
    Got another letter from ****! There are now 20 girls that meet for devotions and prayer and that is so important to her. Apart from that she said that her Unit lacks unity and respect and says there is fighting and almost a fist fight broke out in the barracks. She says a lot of the girls are very immature and disrespectful. She said that girls like that are such a challenge to her. (Please pray for unity in the barracks and to work together as a team.) All in all she says she is doing fine.
      ***** and Dad

    I know that many of your sons and daughters also find faith or a renewed need to express that faith in Boot Camp.  Note how important letters are there as well......that is your hint to WRITE and also note that it also takes awhile to get addresses at the Army.  You see that is is also taking time for the training unit to gel as a team.

    My point in all this is to show that you, as new Navy Dads and Moms are not alone in your experiences and that your sons and daughters are going though many similar experiences. 

  • Mike Crook

    What a great story, I gives me a lot of hope. As a lot of you already know that I haven't heard from my son in all most two years and he never said goodbye. I wont go into that but the reason it gives me hope is that he has stopped believing in god for some reason or another and I hope upon hope he starts believing again. I'm not saying go back to church or even read the bible but he was never raised to not believe in him. He was raised catholic  and the only thing I as a parent ever made him or his brothers do as far as our religion goes is get all his sacraments and he did  by age 14. I also gave them all, the option to either go to church or not. I feel that was a mistake because I have always felt it important to communicate with god. I went right  up till I was 20 and have a lot of hard feelings toward my church that I wont get into. Maybe if he started to believe again he'd realize that mom and dad aren't so bad and only did what we felt was right for him. Thanks for the hope and thank your daughter for her sacrifice for serving.

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Mike---everyone should check this out, but think you might find it a source of strength:

  • Mike Crook

    I will never give up Jim. I love him no matter what the circumstances are or what's going on in his life.  And Paul I will have to show my wife that I love it but I wont get anything unless Joe says I can.

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    was thinking about this one for you more than anything else as a reminder that you have the strength though Our Savior to endure whatever happens:

  • Mike Crook

    I really appreciate this more than you'll ever know. I know it will all work out for all of us. I have already given it two years I can give it as long as it takes.

  • Joseph Cavallo

    Mike, hang in there with your son and continually try to reach out to him. One of these times, he will reply. He just has to see things his way and in his time. Some kids, heck some adults are like that. I'm sorry it's been two years and will pray it's not much longer. God Bless and Good Luck.

  • Alan Ritter

    So is anyone of your new recruits in division 926 because my wife and I have not received our sons form letter yet and we were wondering if anyone else has. We were told by his recruiter his graduation date was May 9 and we would receive hies letter in two weeks.
  • Alan Ritter

    My son just called from boot camp he sounds good. Passed his swim test. He is just a little home sick.
  • NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary

    March 31, 2014 -- Congratulations again to Coleen Lovan. Here is your photo of division 921 along with their Captains Cup they won on Saturday. See you all on Friday! -RTC

    DIVISION 921

  • Marco Mattucci

    Follow up - for everyone who's sailors will graduate in the coming weeks / months...

    I just want to say that we just returned from my son's graduation (on 25 April 2014) and it was by far one of the most moving and incredible moments of my life.  The time between their departure for boot camp and the morning when they march into the hall seems to be forever, but when you see your sailor after all that time, walking tall, confident, and a part of one of the finest institutions in our great nation, you can only be filled with pride.  I was moved, and I can only offer this to the dads here that are waiting for that day…it will come, and all of the sacrifices you have made for your sons & daughters will have come full circle for you as you now see them in the first step of the great journey they have started out on.  

    We made it a weekend + event; drove from Maryland early Thursday morning, checked into Navy Lodge (excellent place to stay) by the late afternoon, Sarge's Meet and Greet that night (had a blast), PIR the following morning, spent the day and evening together, met up at the airport for a final send off, and drove home on Sunday.  Felt like something out of a movie now that I have had a couple days to digest it all.  Awesome experience for me, my wife, and my daughters.  My sincere thanks to this site for getting me through the tough days and nights, the great tips, and a source of all things NAVY to the first time user...  

    A couple other things…the Sarge - from the meet and greet - one of the finest, true blue, sincerest people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting.  Attend this if you can - it's a great way to kick off this whole event in your life...

    Lovell's for lunch or dinner after the graduation.  Time and money well spent, and you feel like you are even part of some of that history…Mr. Lovell is there often and you may even get the chance to meet him.

    To those who gave me tips, Thank you.  To those who have yet to make the trip, ask questions - this site is great!!!  I will be happy to share anything I learned if anyone needs info.

    And finally…CONGRATULATIONS to all of the new Sailors from the 25 April 2014 Class!!!

    Hats off to the Great Lakes Command!!!  This will always be remembered in our family as a milestone for our son...

  • Melanie Snyder

    Congratulations to your son and Good info here. I know I am not a dad but I may as well be. I am a single mom so played both roles in my children s lives. 

    I have a question. My son's PIR is June 20. I am going up a few days early, a friend of mine said I could check out the base before PIR do know if that is true and if so who would I contact about that? 

  • Richard J. Ramirez

    Yes, PIR is without doubt one of the most moving experiences we have enjoyed with our Son who graduated during the Polar Vortex in January, brrrrr!.  Even though it was very cold we were all very warm.  May God bless and keep your Sailor.

  • Bill Black

    One year ago today my heart was breaking and the tears flowed as we put our son on a plane to Great Lakes for boot camp. Now on his one year anniversary with the Navy the broken heart and tears have completely vanished and have been replaced with tremendous pride and amazement as to what he has accomplished in that first year! For all of you going through the separation now or soon will, time will pass much more quickly than you can imagine and soon you too will have that sense of loss changed into a pride you have never known before. Our children are a part of something bigger than themselves......the most powerful Navy in the world!
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Bravo Zulu Bill !!!

  • Bill Black

    Thanks so much Paul!
  • Joseph Cavallo

    Tim, I don't have any experience with LLD but have heard through the boards of people saying that if it's just a couple of days, PIR normally isn't affected. If it's more than a week, it may be. If PIR is affected, you should receive a letter stating the new date. Wish I could offer more, maybe someone else has better insight.

  • Daniel M

    Tim, my son had gotten a bug from the seafood during boot camp and was sidelined for 72 hours. He is still on track for a 5/23 PIR. So, as stated by Joseph, depends on the time lost.

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    as Joseph said, it is going to depend on the length of LLD...a few days will not push PIR back

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    here is Division 208

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    here is Division 933

  • curtis snow

    My 17 yr old son fresh out of high school left on June 11th. We got the I am here call, 2 days later we got a call he had lost his license. Poor guy is probably still doing push ups over that one. Yesterday we got the box. Cant wait for his next call. Hope you all will keep him in your prayers.
  • Ed Guyer

    Hi all, days are passing by fast and my son ships on July 7, are there any one else with recruits shipping near that date just trying to find a group of people who can keep each other posted on information received from our proud recruits. I know information comes very hit and miss from our recruits so maybe we could keep each other posted on info we receive that we can pass on to each other

  • roy johnson

    my son leaves for rtc july 15.thanks to all who have served.took him saturday july 5 to traverse city,mi to see blue angels air show and it was awesome.proud that he is serving in navy.

  • Brian Brazier

    Hello to all, my son shipped today 7 July. Looking for others with recruits shipped today or within the next week who can keep each other informed on the progress of our recruits. Thanks in advance, look forward to hearing from you.
  • Ed Guyer

    I just got the Im here call  so excited

  • John H'ausen

  • Eddie

    My son leaves Nashville Monday for RTC. I am starting to get excited/anxious now.

  • Michael Wayne Lowe

    I talked to my grandson day before he is a little home sick. Said that he wanted us to keep the letters coming. And that he really wanted Taco Bell after boot.
  • Eric Mount

    Tell him there is one at the NEX
  • Ed Guyer

    Got my kid in a box today now just waiting on my form letter
  • Melanie Snyder

    Ed, You'l be amazed at how fast and painfully slow it goes. Take it one-day at a time. I hope he gets to call you every so often. Write him A LOT. My son graduated a month ago and he said he never knew how much he enjoyed reading letters, and writing them and he is NOT a writer. But he was very very thankful. He even said he was very disappointed that he did not get a letter on the first mail call. We had sent a couple but it took them a while to get them. 

  • joel stallsworth

    got a call from my son i dont know if he called someone before me or what but the call was only about 30 seconds and all he could say was I love you dad and i am out of time and the phone was really staticy I just don remember being that up set and only given that short of time for first call and i am not speaking of the I am here and safe call 

  • Greg Hellmann


    I know its fustrating but hang in there. I am still waiting for the first call since the entry call. I work a rotating 12 hour swing shift and work OT on several of my off days, I know down deep I wont be home for the call, but his mom will be. Just remember as hard and fustrating as it is you have to be there for your SR. Write him daily and let him know how much you love him and are proud of him. Keep the faith!!

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    When he marches through the big roll-up door at Midway Ceremonial Hall at Great Lakes all the waiting and frustration will be forgotten and you'll experience a level of pride you may never have had before!!!!!

  • Scott johnson

    My kid still in processing either 4th or 5th day shipped 8th my wife is basically standing by the door waiting for the box hope we get by Monday she might flip
  • Brian Brazier

    Hope to hear from my son this week... at least get "The Box" and his address. I have several letters ready to send, trying to stay positive
  • Ed Guyer

    you guys should receive your kid in a box on Monday I received mine on Friday and they shipped the same day. mine was shipped USPS because we live in the mountains and have no physical address for UPS or FEDEX. so surprising mail beat them.

  • Brian Brazier

    Ed, any word on his Ship and Division? Mailing address?
  • Ed Guyer

    Nothing yet just the box arrived and they all arrived same day so you should be getting yours soon I'm thinking Tuesday we may get the letter I'm hoping
  • John H'ausen

    Got the call a few days ago and looking forward to the box!
  • Brian Brazier

    "Final recieved letter... Ship 14, Division 274 with a PIR date of Sept 5... still no "box""
  • Scott johnson

    Just got my pir for my son same as yours ship 14 division 274 grad date sep 5 we did get his box
  • Ed Guyer

    Dang I'm jealous I didn't get my letter today hoping for tomorrow
  • John H'ausen

    "Kid in a Box" received today.  Thank God- my poor wife is a wreck with this... she wasn't anywhere near as badd off when he went to college.  Once she gets "the letter" it should smooth her out the rest of the way.