Navy Boot Camp: Questions & Answers to what your Sailor will be doing at Recruit Training Command (RTC) Great Lakes, IL.

This Support Group is for Families & Friends with Recruits attending Navy Boot Camp.

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  • Brian Brazier

    Scott Johnson are you located?
  • Scott johnson

    located in colorado brighton area HBU

  • Scott johnson

    My wife and I sent six letters out to oir son today I hope he gets them soon There livley and upbeat so I hope he likes them

  • Brian Brazier

    Likewise, my wife and I mailed 5 letters today. We are in Aiken, South Carolina
  • Eddie

    We got our phone call last night at 11:30 PM. It was short and sweet like I had read but a little stressful for My Wife and I. First waiting so long on the call, and then when we got it our son sounded like he was reading from a script and then had to go. I hope this stress and anxiety gets better as the days pass.

  • Eric Mount

    He was reading from a script. For us we didn't get any real letters until after we got our first real call.
  • Michael Wayne Lowe

    Your should get another phone call in a week or so and it should be longer. You will be surprised how much more mature your SR sounds. It gets better stay positive.
  • Ed Guyer

    Got my letter he is in ship 14 Div 273 with a grad date of 05 Sept 2014

  • Brian Brazier

    Got the "box" this afternoon, already had his form letter from Monday, Ship 14, Division 274 with a PIR date of 05 Sept 2014... Look forward to getting a call in a couple of weeks
  • Ed Guyer

    Glad you got the box Brian, too bad our recruits are in different divisions but we will be at PIR on the same day

    anyone else in Ship 14 DIV 273?

  • Scott johnson

    Mailing those letters really seemed to help my wife we already booked our lodging already
  • Brian Brazier

    Looking forward to meeting you and your son, always good to put a face to a name!!!
  • Ed Guyer

    Navy RTC Facebook had a contest this afternoon where the winner got a private photo of their recruit. they had a huge turnout of people entering. the winner was chosen, but they also said since it was such a huge turnout they are going to try and post several random pictures of the divisions currently at RTC so we can hope one of our recruits will be in the photos.

    good luck all

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    they do that contest every week on Tuesdays

  • Ed Guyer

    no this is in addition to the trivia contest it was because they were close to 100k likes on facebook it was for individual photos of a recruit

    but they are going to post random div photos


  • Michael Wayne Lowe

    I haven't heard from my grandson in about a week
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    did not know that Ed...I tend to not get in their site very often.  Michael- get used to are entitled to exactly two calls during boot camp....any others should be considered a gift and are given at the discretion of the RDCs!!!

  • Eddie

    I have a question. My SR just left Nashville for RTC Monday 14, July 2014. After reading that I should contact his recruiter for his address, I text his recruiter yesterday and was given what he said was his address. My question is; is the address he gave me his official address, or should i wait for the form letter before mailing any letters, to avoid any delays in them reaching my SR? Thanks for your help.

  • Rick Binkley

    welcome from a fellow Tennessean,'ll hear a lot of different opinions on this but RTC recommends waiting for the form letter. I've watched over the course of the last couple of years where the recruiter did not have the most recent information which held up the SR's receiving their mail. Go ahead and write but number the letters so when you get the letter, you'll be all set. best of luck!

  • Joseph Cavallo

    Ed, I would wait for the letter before mailing. The address is going to include not only the mailing but their division number which is key to it getting to them. I'm not sure the recruiter is going to have that information in advance.

  • Scott johnson

    Yea even if you sent them now if you don't have the division the routing might be tough plus they still have to train a mail man in that division from what I read it takes time even after the exact adress is known
  • Eric Mount

    We found that mail at RTC is SLOOOOOOOOW!!!!
  • Jim Bair

    Hello all.. Mama and I are having a day long BBQ a couple of weeks before our son leaves for Great Lakes. We want to send his Recruiters invitations to the party. Would that be apropriate? Was thinking there may be some rule against fraternization.


    Thanks for your help!

  • Eric Mount

    I would send one but know they won't come there are rules.
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    We preach this on the site all the time...WAIT FOR THE FORM LETTER for correct address.....there are times the recruiter does not have the correct address as recruits are shuffled around to fill divisions.

  • roy johnson

    well,my son finally left for rtc tuesday july 15th.very emotional to see him question is my wife tried to get on navy for moms website to sign up and one of the questions they asked her was what color is the navy.does anyone have any idea what the answer is we tried all different combinations of blue,navy blue,blue and gold,blue and white.any ideas ,maybe someone has a wife on the site that has the answer.

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    try blue and yellow-----we are NOT associated with that site in any way so if any of our members know, perhaps they can answer!

  • John H'ausen

    Roy- it's either navy or blue.  My wife mentioned it to me as she was signing up as well.

  • Pat Heck


    According to this, the official Navy colors are blue and gold.

  • LukeH

    Jim, I don't know the details, but there are regulations about recruiters socializing with recruits. I remember my son had a form on the subject. A BBQ might very well be against regs, or too close to it. I would not recommend thinking of the recruiter as someone you are going to socialize with. They have to represent the Navy.
  • joel stallsworth

    woohoo finally got a letter from my son and he told me his division acted stupid thats why they only got a very short phone call his letter made my day 

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    calls are earned or taken away as a division.....

  • joel stallsworth

    yes i understand that i remember when i went through basic up in great mistakes 

  • Ed Guyer

    Glad you got a letter Joel It's sucks not hearing from them and then you were worried already so that must have make things worse. Glad everything going good
  • roy johnson


  • Darryl W. Hughey

    My son arrived at RTC on July 17th.  We got the call at midnight saying he was there.  Mom is taking it hard.  I am emotional but mostly hoping that he just stays focused and takes advantage of this opportunity!  Looking forward to getting his address soon!

  • Ed Guyer

    Anyone have any updates on their recruits. Any info would make me feel better since I haven't heard from mine yet lol because we are all distantly related through our sailors
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    no news is good news..............

  • Ed Guyer

    That is true especially no calls during the day I don't want those lol
  • John H'ausen

    We FINALLY got the letter. Graduating Sept 5. ship 2, 943. Glad to have that settled. Now to get some letters mailed!
  • Ed Guyer

    John glad u got u letter we will be there the 5th also. My son is in ship 14 div 273
  • Scott johnson

    John what part of the country you from just trying to gauge timing
  • Ed Guyer

    anyone else with son in ship 14 DIV 273?

  • John H'ausen

    Scott- we are in Houston, TX.  Honestly, I don't think there is any rhyme or reason as to how/when they get there.

  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    they arrive at RTC virtually every day of the week so trying to gauge a PIR date from arrival day is useless....generally aim at 8 weeks from t he Friday after arrival....but it can be 7 or 9 weeks depending on variables and how fast the divisions fill up.  Wait for the form letter- it will have anticipated PIR date and info on it.

  • Scott johnson

    Just got the call from the boy he seems tired but he says he's ok passed the swim test. Says that sleep is better than gold right now but he seems healthy and fine hope you all here from your kid soon very excited in the johnson family right now
  • Ed Guyer

    glad you got the call Scott

    my son got to call my ex this morning. it was on navy for moms pir group they may get a chance to call today. they must have spies over

  • John H'ausen

    I guess I didn't pay any attention when we got the letter and the return address showed my son as Div 943. If you knew my son you would say he's the quietest, least demonstrative guy you've ever met. A no BS kind of guy that would seem not to have time for the duties of 943. Have to say I am proud and kind of impressed at his growth, less than 2 weeks in!
  • Ed Guyer

    I was trying to tell u that this morning was reading about it it says they usually perform at pir 2 weeks before they graduate. Maybe u can watch him on the live stream
  • John H'ausen

    Haha, sorry Ed- it was such a completely foreign idea for my son to be in that division that what you said didn't even register.  He literally is the most stoic person you've ever met.  He has really stepped up.