Dads with Two or More in the Services

Anyone else out there that has more than one son or daughter in any of the Services.

  • David

    Well I have a Cpl of the Marines and now almost have a Sailor. Only about 20 more days till it happens.
  • NavyDads Admin (Paul)

    Both of mine are in the Navy...Kat (MC3) stationed on the USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72) and Eric (AM3) on the USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71)
  • David

    Well Russell will most likely be with one of yours in a year and a half, when he has finished his A school. Unless he decides to go subs. He is going to glow in the dark. (hehehe) He is going the Nuke track.
  • marty slautterback

    I currently have 1 son active duty Marine infantry, my other son is in week 4 at Great lakes boot camp.
  • David

    Mary welcome to the family of Marine/Navy parents.
  • Alan Desnoyers

    Well I am just joining this group I have 2 sons in the navy my oldest son is stationed on the USS gettysburg as an CS3 and my youngest sond is on board the USS ashland as a BMSN he is planning on changing rates to GM very soon.
  • David

    Welcome! At with yours you can root for the same Service!
  • Jim Kelley

    Hi. My son is a student aviator currently flying a Turbomentor, and his brother is an Army combat medic who recently returned from a tour in Afghanistan (with a Purple Heart).
  • Brad

    Hello, my son is an AW/Rescue Swimmer with HS-14 stationed at Atsugi Naval Airbase in Japan. He rotates serving on the CVN73 George Washington carrier, as well as now with Det A waiting for the USS Cowpens or the USS Shiloh to come out of repair to go on summer tour. My daughter is currently at the Marines officer candidate school (OCS) in Quantico to join here new husband that just got commissioned 2nd LT. in the Marines. So I guess through marriage I have three!
  • Brad

    Jim, congrats to your sons and tell your Army son how thankful we all are that he is ok and we are proud for his Purple Heart. You should be a proud papa, I know we are for you!
  • NavyDads Admin, Tim

    Well I am almost in the same boat as you Ladies and Gentlemen so I am going to go ahead and join this group. I have a son that is an ET3 Satellite Coms. with the FFG-46. My other son as I write is up at the hotel awaiting his chance to take his physical and some tests then he will find out his ship date. His recruiter says that it looks kind of like he might get a ship date sometime in July 2011 after graduation.
  • David

    Welcome everybody I have been away looking for Dorthy and Toto for the last few weeks. I now have a Sgt of the Marines and a MM3 in the Navy. The Marine has asked me not to talk about what he does any more in open forums, said if I was a grunt it would be OK but I am not.
  • Brad

    Spoke with Val this Sunday, she just came back from Bethesma hospital as they are trying to find out about why she has intense pains in stomac area. They thought they would need to operate on a possible hernia but determined it wasn't that. She had a concussion earlier when carried in firemans carry and knocked heads with another girl being carried. Also, almost broke her arm breaking a fall during night ops, turned out as only sever bruise. All that and she was still ranked 3rd overall in her platoon before going to the hospital. She is worried that the Lt. duty required by the doctors will have her miss too much to stay in, and she would be sent home again for the second time. I hope not since she got the favorable rating during the XO for platoon earlier and she has tried so hard over the past two years to be a Marine officer. Please pray for her body to be healed and that God Allow her to serve if it is in His will.
  • David

    Some of you might know that on July 16th, I lost my sailor. He was found dead at his Command. The only thing that the Navy is telling us is that the matter is under investigation. And on Friday the 30th of July we are going to be laying him to rest.
  • David

    Congrats on having both sons in at the same time
  • David

    I really do not know if I should stay in this group anymore! I know that I started it!
    Most may know that I lost my Navy son while in Goose Creek.
    Does that still qualify me as having two sons in the Services?
  • dadof2sailors

    As far as I am concern your still in. Once Military always Military. And we still care for our own which you are still part off. Your son is now standing watch over the eternal seas.
  • Lowell Aberson

    David, thanks for starting the group and yes, please stay. All three of my sons are in the Navy.
  • Eric West

    My sons PIR is December 17th and will immediately be stationed in Pensacola for his A School as an Aircraft Mechanic.
    My daughter has enlisted in the Army and leaves for basic on January 26th. Proud to be a proud father of two soldiers!
  • NavyDads Admin, Tim

    I just thoulght I would drop a note here and wish all of you and your sailors a safe and happy new year.
  • J J

    I have 1 son that grad. dec 17th and now is in Pensacola for A school he will be IT. My 2nd son grads date is Jan 28th he will stay in GL for A school he will be ET he is in Div 55 Ship 7.
  • NavyDads Admin, Tim

    Bravo Zulu JJ, My oldest son is an ET that has been out in the fleet for a year now. My youngest son will be leaving in July for basic he is going to be a SWCC.
  • Michael E.

    It is wonderful to have a support group for Dads with two or more sons or daughters in the Navy.  I have one son in Japan on the Mustin and another one in SC going through Nuclear Power School.  I am very proud of both of them.


  • Joe

    I decided to join this group, because my next Sailor heads off to Boot Camp on June 20th, to Join his Sister.  She'll be in about 2 1/2 years by the time he actually is in training.  It's great for him to have all of the sisterly advice on what to do, and especially what not to do.
  • Michael E.

    I have acquired another Sailor in my Family.  My youngest son Will has married a Sailor he met in Boot Camp.  She is in the Nuclear Program also.  I am very Blessed to have Two Sons and a Daughter in Law in the Navy.
  • Alan Desnoyers

    well congrat to you michael I know where you are coming from both my sons are ingaged to two female sailors too one is a gm and the other is os
  • Alan Desnoyers

    I am proud to be part of this group I have one son that just went over 5 years and is a cs on the Jax base hospital and my other son is on board the Ashland as a BM
  • Alan Desnoyers

    their mother and I could not be more proud of either of them  plus my youngest is working toward becoming an officer
  • Paul Westlake

    Hello All! I just became a Navy Dad x 2. My oldest son, Zach, is a 2nd Class at the Naval Academy and my youngest, Nate, enlisted on the 11th of this month. He leaves for Great Lakes in November.


  • Rod

    Just joined the group. One son is CPO with 17 years, currently in Afghanistan. Another just started Boot Camp, then to EOD training. Very proud dad. Plus two more sons, one serving the Lord, the other a Lieutenant with the Local Police.
  • Tom McConnell

    Our oldest daughter was an STG3 then HM2 and is now in the Air Force Reserves-hoping to become an Officer now that she has her degree. Identical twin sons Kevin and Brian joined at the same time. Kevin is EM3 (Nuke) aboard the USS Reagan-Brian is AWF3 Flight Engineer on the P-3 Orion out of Whidbey, now serving at Kadena in Okinawa. We are very proud of them. Congratulations to all of you!

  • Paul M Zorn

    im a dad, with a 20 yr old son in Iraq, and my 17 yr old daughter at GL with PIR on Aug 26th. Couldnt be more proud.