Sidney C. Dockery Jr
Northport, AL
United States
Profile Information:
- Describe A Little About Yourself (your IP address/location will be checked::
- I do embroidery for navydoc205 ebay store. I will be 57 in March. Active duty 03 June 74 - 10 June 78. I was a BT on the USS Coral Sea.
- Prior Military Experience
- Proud Navy Veteran
- What Brought You To This Site:
- I am a veteran
- What Is Your Relationship With Your Sailor
- Other
- Please Share: How Did You Find Us?
- Was looking for rating insignias.
NavyDads Co-Admin, Calvin
Sidney, Welcome to NavyDads. My Grandson joined the Navy and went to Boot Camp in February, 2008. He Graduated and received his Trident in Oct. 2009 and is now with his Team. When I joined this site I knew nothing about the Military. It’s really helped me understand what to expect and has relieved some of my worries.
Be sure to check out our Groups. We have several Groups for PIR and Boot Camp, plus Groups for the different Rates like Navy Nukes, Master at Arms and Special Ops. Also Group for different Ships and Bases. Check to see if your State or area has a Group already formed to locate others in your area. There are general interest Groups like: Care Packages,
A School for Dads, NASCAR for NavyDads and the book of acronyms and ranks. We’ve also added a Spanish language Group.
Also check us out on Facebook just search for Navy Dads.
We are a big family here and you can find answers to most any question or concern regarding what’s in store for your recruit. You will find members that are new to the Navy along with those who have Loved Ones who’ve made the Navy a career. We like to hear about your recruit; the good times, the concerns, and we welcome questions. I think you will find our members are a big family and everyone wants to help others understand what to expect and hear about the progress of your recruit.
Please feel free to ask questions.Again Welcome and keep us updated on your recruit.
HooYah US Navy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Feb 5, 2013
NavyDads Admin (Paul)
The use of the word "rank" for Navy enlisted personnel is incorrect. The term is "rate." The rating badge is a combination of rate (pay grade, as indicated by the chevrons) and rating (occupational specialty, as indicated by the symbol just above the chevrons).
Feb 12, 2013
E.G. - ND's Creator/Admin
Sindey, awesome! Let me know if you have time to speak around 10am central this morning. Also, I'm as excited as you in getting the store re-launched. I think your products will be a big hit and I'm ready to start adding them to Navy Outfitters! Talk to you soon.
Feb 14, 2013