Looking forward to Letters too. Already looking at flights and motels. A little bummed about the Big Holidays. Been clipping a lot of papers. Cannot wait for His phone calls on Holidays. Letters too.
Just got a phone call from my mom. She got a letter from Alex asking if she would be able to Adopt A Sailor for Christmas. I am sharing the "Anything News." Hope you can make it. I will only be able to make it to PIR. I would love to be there for Christmas. I don't see it though (financially) to make it twice.
NavyDads Co-Admin, Gary
Thanks Ward! January is right around the corner... :)
Nov 15, 2011
Chris H
Looking forward to Letters too. Already looking at flights and motels. A little bummed about the Big Holidays. Been clipping a lot of papers. Cannot wait for His phone calls on Holidays. Letters too.
Nov 23, 2011
Chris H
Just got a phone call from my mom. She got a letter from Alex asking if she would be able to Adopt A Sailor for Christmas. I am sharing the "Anything News." Hope you can make it. I will only be able to make it to PIR. I would love to be there for Christmas. I don't see it though (financially) to make it twice.
Nov 25, 2011