Navy Officer Candidate School (OCS) is often described as a challenging and demanding experience. Many participants and their families find it to be one of the toughest parts of their military careers, sometimes even more difficult than deployments[1]. The program combines elements of Navy bootcamp with additional responsibilities and schooling, and includes aspects of Marine Corps bootcamp[3]. Despite the hardships, OCS is viewed as a necessary step towards becoming an officer, serving as a "means to an end"[5]. The phrase "embrace the suck" is commonly used to encourage candidates to accept and tackle the challenges they face[2].
Thank you Jim for the welcome! I just watched the Boot Camp: Creating a Sailor video. Urging my entire family to watch it. I told my son he should be doing sit-ups and push-ups every day but my wife thinks that I'm overdoing it. I told her to watch the video and then tell me again if she thinks I am. One thing for sure, thanks to her, he should be used to getting screamed at. ;-)
At 10:22am on February 29, 2024, Ruel Knudson said…
Hello and thank you for the welcome.
This site has already been a huge help for me. I have been using its content to clarify many of the gaps in my knowledge while writing about my family's experience with RTC, PIR, and the early days of our daughter's service. I am adding this page as a resource for my readers, and acknowledgement to my book (I hope this is ok).
My book is almost finished. I am only working on some final information and resources. When I get closer to wrapping up in the next couple of weeks, I would be honored if you and any other admins would be willing to accept free copies of the book and provide any feedback or insight before publication. While I have my daughter and several other resources helping me to ensure accuracy, the more eyes on it the better.
Also, what are the policies on me adding this site and the facebook in the book, on my webpage, and in my facebook pages?
Thanks again for welcoming me. Furthermore, thank you for creating and maintaining such a wonderful resource for parents. This is an amazing site, and I am glad to be a part of it.
thanks for the welcome message, Jim. That is what I am hoping to get out of this site...answers to questions, advice, and support. My son hasn't been in boot camp a week yet and the post on When is PIR and What is Their Mailing Address has already helped. I know now that I have to wait for his first form letter with Ship/Div assignment and address.
I am excited and nervous, but certainly proud of him for taking on this responsibility. It is the start of an incredible journey for him!
Thanks for the warm welcome. My son has his PIR next Thursday November 9. Looking forward to seeing him and see the man he is becoming! Can't wait for this new journey to begin.
Thank you for the warm welcome, Jim. Looking forward to connecting with those who understand what we will be going through as our son embarks on his Navy journey starting with OCS and who can help answer questions we have or provide advice. We are very proud of our son for taking this big step, but both he and we approach this major change and step into the unknown with some trepidation!
Receiving letters from our son has given us pride for all the young men and women that have sacrificed and dedicated their livelihood to serve and defend.
Thank you Jim, for considering my request to join. My Grandson is very excited to start the OCS training and will fly out tomorrow 01/19/2023 Class 09-23.
At 10:48am on November 30, 2022, Charlie Cruit said…
Thanks Jim glad you have this board
At 10:40am on November 30, 2022, Charlie Cruit said…
My son is in his first week of OCS and his class will run into X-Mass and New Year so it is possible for his 13 weeks to be 15. Don't know what his class number is yet.
Thanks Jim! I'm on the FB group. Connor leaves on Monday for RTC. Excited to see where it takes him. Go Navy (except when they play Army lol)
At 6:43am on September 29, 2022, Dave Miller said…
Thank you for the add! My son just left on Tue morning for RTC and there's some adjustment taking place in my life with the hole he's left. Super proud of him but miss him dearly. I was Navy from 1995-2001 and although I didn't "force his hand" towards the Navy, I'm really glad he chose that route; will make it easier to understand and swap sea stories!
Thanks for the warm welcome Jim. My son just started OCS school in Newport this week. We are trying to figure out what his class number he is in so we can write him a few letters while he is in OCS.
"Welcome aboard to Chris! When my son first enlisted, I was a little scared and worried for him. Not coming from a military family at all, I had no idea what to expect"
Thank you for approving my membership to NavyDads.
My daughter is in active duty and somewhere in the South China Sea( as what you said, no idea what to expect and always no info what the mission and always I am the last to know)
"I was a little scared and worried for him."-- that a little bit underrated--- I am always scared, worried, sleepless nites and anxiety.
Thanks Jim! My family isn't from a military background besides my grandfather's and an uncle. So basically going in blind. He left for boot camp June 16th. Have found alot of useful information on the site so far.
Thanks Jim, Funny story... my son received a letter last week from his 8th Grade self addressed to his graduating Senior self. In it he challenges himself to follow through with his commitment to joining the Navy. Pretty special to see that at 14 years old he was already focused on the Navy and serving our country.
Military service skipped our generation, but my wife and I are so proud of him.
Yes that was something wasn't it and they were spot right on they hit that right on the nail head he said the Seas could be 15 ft high and that ship doesn't move but when that missile comes out of the ship the whole thing vibrates violently Like An Earthquake
Thank you I appreciate that Jim when my son enlisted I was happy cuz there was nothing out here for him in our region northeastern Pennsylvania and he has great knowledge of computers he did his first four years on the USS Lake Erie and he was on the ship when they shut down the satellite enter in space he said it was the best bullet he ever shot LOL I hope to have a good experience on this site can you definitely have started off right for me
NavyDads mission is to Provide Support, Encouragement, and Knowledge to Sailors and their Families throughout their Journey together in the United States Navy.
NavyDads CoAdmin Jim Gramza's Comments
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Navy Officer Candidate School (OCS) is often described as a challenging and demanding experience. Many participants and their families find it to be one of the toughest parts of their military careers, sometimes even more difficult than deployments[1]. The program combines elements of Navy bootcamp with additional responsibilities and schooling, and includes aspects of Marine Corps bootcamp[3]. Despite the hardships, OCS is viewed as a necessary step towards becoming an officer, serving as a "means to an end"[5]. The phrase "embrace the suck" is commonly used to encourage candidates to accept and tackle the challenges they face[2].
Thank you Jim for the welcome! I just watched the Boot Camp: Creating a Sailor video. Urging my entire family to watch it. I told my son he should be doing sit-ups and push-ups every day but my wife thinks that I'm overdoing it. I told her to watch the video and then tell me again if she thinks I am. One thing for sure, thanks to her, he should be used to getting screamed at. ;-)
Hello and thank you for the welcome.
This site has already been a huge help for me. I have been using its content to clarify many of the gaps in my knowledge while writing about my family's experience with RTC, PIR, and the early days of our daughter's service. I am adding this page as a resource for my readers, and acknowledgement to my book (I hope this is ok).
My book is almost finished. I am only working on some final information and resources. When I get closer to wrapping up in the next couple of weeks, I would be honored if you and any other admins would be willing to accept free copies of the book and provide any feedback or insight before publication. While I have my daughter and several other resources helping me to ensure accuracy, the more eyes on it the better.
Also, what are the policies on me adding this site and the facebook in the book, on my webpage, and in my facebook pages?
Thanks again for welcoming me. Furthermore, thank you for creating and maintaining such a wonderful resource for parents. This is an amazing site, and I am glad to be a part of it.
Ruel Knudson
thanks for the welcome message, Jim. That is what I am hoping to get out of this site...answers to questions, advice, and support. My son hasn't been in boot camp a week yet and the post on When is PIR and What is Their Mailing Address has already helped. I know now that I have to wait for his first form letter with Ship/Div assignment and address.
I am excited and nervous, but certainly proud of him for taking on this responsibility. It is the start of an incredible journey for him!
Thanks for the warm welcome. My son has his PIR next Thursday November 9. Looking forward to seeing him and see the man he is becoming! Can't wait for this new journey to begin.
Thank you for the warm welcome, Jim. Looking forward to connecting with those who understand what we will be going through as our son embarks on his Navy journey starting with OCS and who can help answer questions we have or provide advice. We are very proud of our son for taking this big step, but both he and we approach this major change and step into the unknown with some trepidation!
Thank you very much Jim.
Receiving letters from our son has given us pride for all the young men and women that have sacrificed and dedicated their livelihood to serve and defend.
Thank you Jim, for considering my request to join. My Grandson is very excited to start the OCS training and will fly out tomorrow 01/19/2023 Class 09-23.
Thanks Jim glad you have this board
My son is in his first week of OCS and his class will run into X-Mass and New Year so it is possible for his 13 weeks to be 15. Don't know what his class number is yet.
Thanks Jim! I'm on the FB group. Connor leaves on Monday for RTC. Excited to see where it takes him. Go Navy (except when they play Army lol)
Thank you for the add! My son just left on Tue morning for RTC and there's some adjustment taking place in my life with the hole he's left. Super proud of him but miss him dearly. I was Navy from 1995-2001 and although I didn't "force his hand" towards the Navy, I'm really glad he chose that route; will make it easier to understand and swap sea stories!
Thanks for the warm welcome Jim. My son just started OCS school in Newport this week. We are trying to figure out what his class number he is in so we can write him a few letters while he is in OCS.
"Welcome aboard to Chris! When my son first enlisted, I was a little scared and worried for him. Not coming from a military family at all, I had no idea what to expect"
Thank you for approving my membership to NavyDads.
My daughter is in active duty and somewhere in the South China Sea( as what you said, no idea what to expect and always no info what the mission and always I am the last to know)
"I was a little scared and worried for him."-- that a little bit underrated--- I am always scared, worried, sleepless nites and anxiety.
Oh well, I guess I have to get use to it!!
Thanks and have a good day-Chris
Thank you Jim, looking forward to learning from your website, I’m not a veteran, but real proud of my son as he begins his Naval service.
@Jim, Happy Father's Day as well!
Thanks Jim! My family isn't from a military background besides my grandfather's and an uncle. So basically going in blind. He left for boot camp June 16th. Have found alot of useful information on the site so far.
Thanks Jim, Funny story... my son received a letter last week from his 8th Grade self addressed to his graduating Senior self. In it he challenges himself to follow through with his commitment to joining the Navy. Pretty special to see that at 14 years old he was already focused on the Navy and serving our country.
Military service skipped our generation, but my wife and I are so proud of him.
Best - Bob
Yes that was something wasn't it and they were spot right on they hit that right on the nail head he said the Seas could be 15 ft high and that ship doesn't move but when that missile comes out of the ship the whole thing vibrates violently Like An Earthquake
Thank you I appreciate that Jim when my son enlisted I was happy cuz there was nothing out here for him in our region northeastern Pennsylvania and he has great knowledge of computers he did his first four years on the USS Lake Erie and he was on the ship when they shut down the satellite enter in space he said it was the best bullet he ever shot LOL I hope to have a good experience on this site can you definitely have started off right for me
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February 26, 2025 from 4pm to 8pm – Lakehurst Event Center
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Boot Camp
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