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NavyDads CoAdmin Jim Gramza's Comments

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At 10:31pm on April 22, 2016, Lien Templin Bell said…

Jim thank you so much for your guidance. You are making this so much easier for me and his younger brother. I'll be in touch for sure. This site is a true blessing.

At 9:56pm on April 22, 2016, Lien Templin Bell said…

I can't wait to get the letter so I can book travel lol!! I did, however receive his 'box' today and he just arrived there Tuesday night. they work fast.

At 11:09pm on April 21, 2016, Lien Templin Bell said…

Hi Jim. I just saw that you posted about a Meet and Greet before PIR. Will I receive notification when it's to be scheduled when his PIR date comes? My son is just 3 days in at RTC.

At 10:36pm on April 21, 2016, Lien Templin Bell said…

Thank you Jim. I'm so thankful for this site. Although my StepDad is retired Navy, brother retired Marine and my Father 101st in WW2 getting use to my child going away never entered my mind. I am so, so proud beyond words. Scared to death too lol

At 5:13pm on April 17, 2016, E.L. Davis said…

Thank You Jim, Bailey will become the newest family member of a long line of sailors. Initially I was joinging the US Navy but I ended up becoming a Coastie and was involved in SAR and LEDET. I know my Great gradfathers are relieved that my son is bringing us back into the Navy lineage..LOL! Thanks for the welcome to the site, and look forward to the sites open forums. 

Be Safe! and HOOYAH!!!

At 12:06am on April 14, 2016, Elvan "Jay" Chagnard Jr said…

Thanks Jim, I'm playing a little "catch up" so my apologies for being late to respond. I also have no military back ground (except for both grandfathers who are both passed) so this will be a learning experience for both my wife and I. looks like an excellent place to ask questions, get help and as someone else told me, brag a little. 

At 4:41pm on April 12, 2016, Jeff Bakkom said…
Thanks Jim, glad to find this forum!
At 8:21pm on April 8, 2016, Z Dad said…
Hi Jim,
Thank you for getting back to me.
Sorry about closing that disscusion.
I see that I can donate blood (actual blood) to the military through the Armed Service Blood Program. I found that shortly after I posted that blog. I was not sure if we had to wait until a military base had a blood drive or if we could go there anytime we wanted to.
To the taxes comment we all donate finacially. I was hoping to do a little more through blood donations to the military DIRECTLY.
As far as my comment, it is Standard Operating Procedure to wait 8 weeks between whole blood donations, which is the only way Great Lakes will take blood donations. My last donation was on the 24th of March, to the Blood Centers of Wisconsin.
Sorry for confusing blog post.
Hope this clarifies.
Thanks again
Z Dad
At 3:50pm on April 7, 2016, Maggie Yoder said…

Thank you, Jim for the welcome.  This site has been such a help to my husband and I - especially because we haven't heard from our son yet, and it seems like there's so much to learn.  We're patiently waiting for that first letter.  In some ways, we figure that no news is good news!  We really appreciate all of the info that you're providing!

At 11:08pm on April 3, 2016, James Johnson said…

Thank you so much, Jim, for the warm welcome! I am glad this web site exists and I'm grateful for the time you put in to running it. I really appreciate the story you shared about your son. I know I will be on this site a lot because despite having served 15 years in the Army, I know virtually nothing about the Navy. Thanks again and take care!

At 7:36pm on April 1, 2016, Lona Witt said…

Thanks for the welcome.  My Dad and brother both served in the navy may years ago.  My son is the youngest of 3 and the only boy.  I miss him immensely.  He told me he wanted to be a medical corman so I am not sure if that is where he will end up.  His sisters and I wanted to make sure that he would receive our letters.  I received a box with his clothes and phone but I have not received anything else yet so I don't have an address to write him yet. 

At 9:30am on April 1, 2016, Bill Harper said…
I am a proud and recent Navy dad. My son is just finishing his fifth week of basic at GL. I would just like to say that whoever thought up the idea of the TRIBUTE VIDEOS deserves a huge pat on the back! What better way to honor all of our Navy heroes, past and present! Thank you!
At 9:46pm on March 30, 2016, Kenny said…

Thanks for the warm welcome! I will check out the Facebook page.

At 5:43pm on March 26, 2016, Richard D. Creal said…

Thank you Jim, It will be a blessing to have other Brothers and Sisters to talk to. My daughter has been away for a year now and it seems like years. Thank you again!. 

At 8:13pm on March 22, 2016, Kevin Woodall said…
thank you Jim for your story. My son came from a military family. i being Navy,his grandfather being Airforce. But to be honest I was a little afraid for him also with the world being the way it is now. He is very mature and Im confident he will be ok. All we can do is pray for all our military men and women. Kevin
At 11:54pm on March 14, 2016, Steve Aguerrebere said…

Thank you for the information.


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