Navy Dads

Mass Communication Specialist
Mass Communication Specialists are public affairs and visual information experts. They present the U.S. Navy story to audiences in the Navy and to the rest of the world through a variety of media. Mass Communications Specialists write and produce print and broadcast journalism, news, and feature stories for military and civilian newspapers, magazines, television and radio broadcast stations. They record still and video photography of military operations, exercises, and other Navy events.


Mass Communication Specialist (MC) write Navy news releases and feature articles from personal interviews, examination of messages, and witnessing of events; take news and feature photographs and develop photo stories with associated Visual Information Record Identification Number (VIRINS), captions, and pertinent historical data; understand the Navy Public Affairs mission for the acquisition, processing, and marketing of all internal and external information products through web sites, news releases and internal information products; acquire, transmit, and print electronic imagery; operate high-speed copiers and digital duplicators; understand imagery and equipment lifecycle management and archival requirements; prepare and lay out Navy information products, including web sites, newspapers, and command information brochures using desktop publishing systems; provide still and video documentation of Navy and joint operational events; provide visual documentation of combat, combat-support operations, and related peacetime training activities; prepare material for broadcast use; serve on the staff of Armed Forces Radio and Television Service (AFRTS) detachments; operate and schedule command internal information and programming for Shipboard Information, Training, and Entertainment (SITE) systems; troubleshoot mechanical and digital reprographic and photographic equipment; perform color management; supervise shipboard and Sea Operations (SEAOP) detachments in support of the Navy Public Affairs mission; serve on combat camera deployable teams; research, develop, and write speeches using Navy talking points and messages; fulfill duties of senior enlisted advisor for public affairs on select Fleet, Numbered Fleet, Type Commander (TYCOM) staffs, aircraft carriers, and large-deck amphibious ships; implement public affairs guidance and messages from higher public affairs authority; and serve as independent duty Public Affairs Officers (PAO) at small commands.


MC - Broadcaster

Sailors working as Broadcasters, serve in the E-5 and E-6 pay grades. They are skilled in broadcast delivery; principles and procedures of military broadcasting; collection, evaluation and preparation of military information for use on radio and television; techniques of radio and television production - direction; interviews operation of all radio/television equipment; preparation and maintenance of operation logs; essential of audio and video tape recording, editing and use/selection of music and sound effects. They utilize studio video cameras, hand-held video cameras, and a variety of editing systems, audios studios and lighting equipment. They are skilled in the principles of framing and composition, camera placement, audio and video editing, visualization, and story telling. They can work independently or supervise groups of 3 to 15 broadcasters/ videographers depending on production.

MC - Mass Communication Specialist

Mass Communication Specialist are Public Affairs and Visual Information experts. They present the Navy story to audiences in the Navy and to the rest of the world through a variety of media. MCs write and produce print and broadcast journalism news and feature stories for military and civilian newspapers, magazines, television and radio broadcast stations. They record still and video photography of military operations, exercises, and other Navy events. They serve overseas, on ships, and at stateside commands as photographers, public affairs specialists, newspaper and magazine staff, and TV and radio station staff and talent. MCs also create graphic designs in support of the public affairs mission, create and manage official websites, and perform high-speed, high-volume graphic reproduction.

MC - Multi Media Supervisor

The Multi Media Supervisor also serves at the E-5 and E-6 level. They develop and design command web pages to "advertise" command employment. Utilize conventional and electronic digital equipment to express and broadcast command ideas, messages, and mission. Develop and design computer animation products using available software. Manufacture multimedia products (video, photo, information CDs). Ensure multi-media products and web designs are within applicable laws and regulations. Interact with command Information Technology professionals to maintain Local Area Networks (LAN). Gather information from internal and external sources. Evaluate web designs for content. They supervise Mass Communication Specialists and coordinate the Public Affairs and Production.

MC - Photojournalist

Sailors serving as Photojournalist must be at the E-5 and E-6 level. They gather facts, write news and feature articles for internal and external publications. Take still photographs in support of written articles; provide coverage of special events and prepare layouts for base newspapers. Edit base newspaper and command publications. Layout and design various publications. They receive work assignments from Production Managers, Public Affairs Supervisors and Public Affairs Managers. They also have the ability to work independently creating their own assignments.

MC - Production Manager

Production Managers supervise personnel in performance of the mission and functions for a visual information center. They oversee the deployment of VI assets and manage VI resources to include budgeting, customer relations, ethics and safety considerations. They have an in-depth theoretical and working knowledge of how VI functions within the Department of Defense and the individual services. They may manage an American Forces Radio and Television Service (AFRTS) outlet, a closed circuit radio and/or television system, or broadcast operation in a public affairs office. This job is performed at the Chief, Senior Chief and Master Chief Petty Officer pay grades.

MC - Public Affairs Manager

Public Affair Managers serve in the Chief, Senior Chief and Master Chief Petty Officer pay grades. They gather news and information about people, places, activities, and programs in the Navy for use in press releases, speeches, feature articles, and publications. Perform research in response to media and public queries. Work independently and with Public Affairs Officers to arrange public exhibits, demonstrations, speaking engagements, conferences, VIP visits, and tours. Schedule and conduct speeches and draft press releases and responses to public and media queries, and coordinate special events. Perform duties as Public Affairs Officers or special assistant to Commanding Officers. Serve as spokesperson for the US Navy and the Department of Defense.

MC - Public Affairs Supervisor

They manage public affairs programs either as command representatives or special assistants by gathering information for press releases, answering media and public questions and being command spokespersons. They work independently and with Public Affairs Officers and/or Senior Public Affair enlisted personnel to arrange public exhibits, demonstrations, speaking engagements, news conferences, VIP visits, and tours. Schedule and conduct speeches and draft press releases, responses to public and media queries, and coordinate special events. They coordinate the efforts of Photojournalists, Mass Communication Specialist Media Supervisors in the production of Navy and command publications. A Public Affair Supervisor serves at the E-5 and E-6 level.



The duties performed by MCs include:

  • Prepare and write news and feature articles for publication
  • Photograph events for publication and historic documentation
  • Operate and maintain a variety of state-of-the-art still and video cameras
  • Operate computer-based graphics software and desktop publishing systems
  • Create original visual information displays and graphics
  • Multi-media design and production
  • Design and manage public and secure websites
  • Layout and design military newspapers and magazines
  • Manage radio and television stations
  • Operate video and electronic imaging equipment
  • Operate digital electronic reproduction equipment
  • Edit video news, features, and documentation
  • Shoot still photographs and video for accident or incident investigations
  • Conduct interviews
  • Market stories
  • Perform as a Public Affairs Officer


Working Environment

Mass Communication Specialist may work outdoors or inside, on board aircraft carrier flight decks, in the field with combat construction units, or in air-conditioned broadcast stations. Work varies from using precision computer graphics equipment in an office, to strenuous work throughout a ship or station. Most MCs work on projects alone or with small teams, normally with little supervision. Their work is primarily mental and creative.

Qualifications and Interests

Mass Communication Specialist must relate to people in a creative and professional manner. They need above average writing and speaking skills, creativity, curiosity, and an interest in people, ideas, and information.

Also important are a good memory, maturity, and a good personal appearance. Other necessary qualities are the ability to do detailed work and keep records, manual dexterity, and a good sense of teamwork. MCs must be U.S. citizen and be eligibility for a security clearance as a condition of entry.

In addition, entries into the MC rating will require normal color perception and vision correctable to 20/20. “A” School is required for the MC rating. The rating accepts qualified Lateral Conversions (via “A” School), but will not accept Direct Conversions or Strikers.


The Navy has a continuing need for qualified Mass Communication Specialists. Approximately 1,500men and women perform duties in the MC rating aboard ships and at shore stations. Opportunities for placement are good for highly qualified candidates.


Security Clearance Requirement: Secret


Other Requirements

  • 60 month enlistment obligation
  • Must be a U.S. Citizen
  • Normal color vision is required



 110216-N-DM338-313 PACIFIC OCEAN (Feb. 16, 2011) An F/A-18E Super Hornet assigned to the Argonauts of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 147 moves into position to catapult from the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76). The Ronald Reagan Carrier Strike Group is underway conducting a joint task force exercise before deploying to the western Pacific Ocean and the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Nicholas A. Groesch/Released)





110215-N-9793B-015 ATLANTIC OCEAN (Feb. 15, 2011) Gas Turbine System Technician (Mechanical) 1st Class Charles S. General, left, and Gas Turbine System Technician (Mechanical) 3rd Class Geoffrey C. Spillers check a gas turbine engine aboard the guided-missile cruiser USS Anzio (CG 68). Anzio is conducting a joint task force exercise as part of the George H.W. Bush Carrier Strike Group. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Brian M. Brooks/Released)

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