What is the average wait time from oath to Bootcamp?
Just hoping to get a rough idea of when my son might ship off to boot camp. He is going into the Nuclear program, and swore his oath at the end of January. His contract date was 4/27, but he was told that was almost certain to get pushed out. He did get a text from someone (not sure whom) that said it was going to be January. He is also hearing it won't be that long. I just wanted to get an idea of what the average wait time would be these days. I'm not looking for a specific date, but just a…
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Hi all-My 2nd son just finished at MEPS yesterday. He's scheduled to ship August 28. A little nervous that he's going in Undesignated but we will have to see if that somehow changes between now and Aug. My oldest finished his 4yr active duty as a CTT and is now in the reserves as an MA. Its amazing how different the experience has been since 2011.
My second son just enlisted today, goes to RTC 6 Feb. Rating: HM. Other son has been in a year, rating: IS.
DEP portion of the pipeline to AIRR is almost over. Our son ships out on Sept. 8th!
Frank, if he works hard and get's the swim time and strokes down (along with run, push ups, etc) he'll get the contract. My son was told there weren't any contracts available for AIRR at the time he took his initial PST but they managed to have on in his hand the next week anyway. Is he doing weekly training with the Spec OPS DEP program? If not, talk to his recruiter about that. They actually train three days a week in our area, but as long as they're squared away they only need to be at one per week. Id recommend they attend all if they're looking for SEAL or SWCC contracts, but Divers and AIRR can get away with one. IF THEY"RE SQUARED AWAY. Of course, if they have the option for every training period, that's best for any future sailor.
He got his contract for Aviation Rescue Swimmer. We're really proud of him, he worked hard to qualify and knocked it out of the park. Now the real work begins.
Thanks for all of the feedback. Right now he's focusing on Aviation Rescue Swimmer. He did his PST yesterday with the local Spec Ops Mentor and he was at the head of the pack. He did well nough to Auto Qualify they're just trying to see if any contracts open up, as technically there are none available right now. Either way the recruiter (who is also a Rescue Swimmer) and the mentor are confident that he will get a contract and a new RTC start date. It's just a matter of when. I'm proud of him and I think he's making the right decision for now. If he decides down the road that he wants to give SWCC or BUDS a go, we'll support him.
Hi Chuck, I thought I would give a bit of an update. As Paul rightly pointed out the mental aspect is vital. But your son should take this to heart. First, if he has been viewing the SEAL Class 234 videos he should know, that is not today's BUDs. It's now all about the boat. Of course SWCC will not be BUDs but I would think its not too far distant. One rumor making the rounds is that about a year ago the NSWC settled on a preferred body type. He should question his recruiter about this. The other point is he should give some real thought to the huge "what if". He needs to understand that there is only so much room at the tip of the spear and going special anything and NOT making it leaves him without a Rate and at the mercy of the available job lottery. Good luck to your son.
more than that - he needs to prepare mentally as that is a bigger hurdle than any of the physical demands..............