For Access to Group Posts and to See Our Extensive List of Links and Resources You Must Join the Group- This Insures Privacy to the Members

This group is targeted with assisting any member needing guidance or support in dealing with the ongoing issue of Sexual Assault in the Military. Our hope is to provide a central resource of links and references for those in need. While we hope no member will ever need these resources, we know that some members may and are willing to share their story. We hope to collect experiences and advice from those who have dealt with this issue and are able to help others.  Please note that this is NOT the place for specific accusations which will be immediately deleted.



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  • DoD Launches Online Program to Help Military Survivors of Sexual Ab...

    The Defense Department June 13, launched an online and mobile educational program to help individuals begin to recover, heal and build resiliency after a sexual assault.

    The self-guided program, called, "Building Hope and Resiliency: Addressing the Effects of Sexual Assault," can be completed at the user's pace and features information about coping mechanisms, practical relaxation exercises, definitions, links to resources and referrals for ongoing support.

    Research shows that some service members, including cadets and midshipmen, have experienced sexual abuse or sexual assault prior to joining the military. According to the DoD fiscal year 2016 Annual Report on Sexual Assault in the Military, approximately 10 percent, or 556 reports, of total service member victim reports involved incidents that occurred prior to military service.

    Supporting Victims of Sexual Abuse, Assault

    In order to support these individuals, the DoD Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office (SAPRO), via a contract with the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN), developed and deployed this anonymous, self-guided educational program on the Safe Helpline.

    The program's development was directed by the secretary of defense in 2015 in order to meet the needs of the DoD community, including cadets and midshipman, who may have been victims of sexual abuse or assault prior to entering military service.

    Recognizing the impact that trauma can have on an individual, this program is part of a comprehensive effort to enhance individual and collective resilience and improve readiness across the department. Users can take a brief, optional self assessment to gauge the effectiveness of their current coping strategies and whether they may benefit from additional support and resources.

    "Knowing there is a significant link between childhood sexual victimization and adulthood sexual revictimization and health problems, we wanted to help service members who experienced sexual assault prior to joining the military learn about topics like healthy relationships and coping strategies, and identify whether they would benefit from additional support and resources," said Bette Inch, senior victim assistance advisor at SAPRO.

    "Being able to access this tool anonymously and from the privacy of your own room through the SHL is key for many service members," Inch added.

    Innovative Tools

    As SAPRO and RAINN continue to seek ways to support survivors, innovative tools like Building Hope offer a safe, convenient and private way to empower individuals in their healing journey.

    Members of the DoD community who have been affected by sexual assault can access confidential, anonymous support 24/7, through the DoD Safe Helpline at or by calling 877-995-5247.

    Users can learn about and anonymously access the online program both on a computer and on a mobile device. To access the program, a user can visit the Building Hope page on the Safe Helpline website,

    Users can also access the online program directly through the Safe Helpline app page titled, "Building Hope" in the "Learn" section of the app. To learn more about the Safe Helpline app and how to download it to your mobile device visit

    For more information visit the Navy's SAPR page at

  • Normally we're pretty down when we see groups this group's case I cannot say how happy we are that we haven't had a busy group and that our members haven't needed help!  Let us offer a prayer that no one, at any time, ever need the resources and links we've posted here. 

  • very quiet in here......that's a good thing I guess!

  • I keep bumping it up so it shows in the group area....and I keep finding links and other info.  Hope no one ever needs the info!

  • I news is good news maybe? I hope that our members are at least aware that help is available if needed!!!

  • bump up

  • been very quiet in here....I guess that is a very good thing! Or that means people are not sharing.......

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