Navy Tiger Cruise: For those lucky enough to have the opportunity to sail on a Family Day or Tiger Cruise --- Some tips and helps... and a little bit of bragging too!
Potential Theodore Roosevelt tiger cruise
My sailor informed me the other day that a potential exists for a tiger cruise on the Theodore Roosevelt on the final leg of their journey. Won't post dates etc here however after reading the other posts it seems as though i really wont be able to make any travel plans until ~ one month before ? This wold be my first cruise and interested in connecting with those more experienced or anyone who may be lucky enough to be part of this event ( if it occurs of course ) Thank you
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Hello: My wife will be coming to San Diego to meet the Roosevelt when she returns home . Does my sailor need to get her on some sort of list ? Thanks very much
Looks like the tiger cruise aboard the Theodore Roosevelt is on . I am on the list . Talked to my sailor last evening . Don't want to post details here but very interested in speaking with anyone who may also be going . Looking to get some info on details regarding where to stay the night before and how the process works I have reviewed the many helpful post in this group ....Also interested in the process of meeting the ship as it arrives in home port. My wife will be coming out to meet us . Thank you in advance
the key will be your sailor getting the forms for you as quickly as possible once they are available. It's been years since I went on the tc so I forget how much notice but it was more than a month for sure. Maybe 2 or 3 I forget. Keep in close contact with your sailor, make sure he/she finds out when the forms are available at which time the dates should be known so you could make travel plans. good luck
I may be able to attend a tiger cruise on the Theodore Roosevelt sometime this spring . Interested in any and all info that folks might care to share. I have read the post here and they were very helpful. Sounds like I may not be able to make travel pla
ns until ~ a month before the date ?
Hi James, hope to meet you on the cruise.Sign up sheet said there would be airport transportation. Try to put everything you bring into a carry-on size suitcase and you will be fine. if you need a printed list of what you will need let me know. thanks Richard
getting ready for the Stennis Tiger Cruise this will be my third one and its great getting to spend time with my son at his job. Just wondering if any of you other dads are friends of Bill W.
You got it Jim. I promise to post a report upon our return.