Prior to arriving at RTC, my son lost a lot of weight working with a trainer and doing good on diet and nutrition. Initially, his recruiter said he would definitely need the PT training prep for weight loss but was amazed at his ind
Hi my son is Planning to graduate December 19th and then starts A school for AECF Advanced Electronics and Computer Field
Guess he will be either a ET or FC
Was hoping he would be off over the holidays which is unclear
What experience have you fol
I just wanted to shout out a quick Thank You to the administrators for their help and answers during my Son's time at Boot Camp. He graduated on 10/10/24 and is now on hold awaiting the start of his A-school to be an EM. I'll stay a member here bec
Just a quick question about Battle Stations 21. Obviously I'm not mentioning any specific dates here to comply with OPSEC, however, if a Division is doing BS21 on a specific day, and it doesn't start until 8pm, and they have to get up and go throug
Has anyone else had issues with their Sailor Recruits not getting mails they've sent? My son is in week 5 of Boot Camp and has not received ANYTHING we've sent so far. I got a letter from him and as of last Friday, he hadn't received any
My son just left for boot camp last week7/16/2024 and he is enrolled in a class to help him study and retake the ASVB test to improve his score so he can qualify for a different rate. It is right after P days then he picks up right af
Hey Dads, Another question for you…. Is there any way we can find out my son’s scheduled PIR date before he even departs? Currently the dates are not listed that far out but I have another trip that has to be booked for October, but of course his PI
My son in law will be completing his training January 18, 2024. I will be receiving an invite to be in VIP section if in uniform. I am retired 30 Active Duty. Where exactly is the VIP section and will my wife, daughter and grandson be allowed to sit
The Brandon Act was passed to assist military men/women who are experiencing mental health issues.
50% of the nukes on my son’s carrier are reported to be suicidal. Leadership scoffs and laughs at them. What recourse do o
Hello, my name is Erich and two of my navy buddies and myself (also navy) decided that for when we get out we wanted to do something to help the Veteran Community out. After brainstorming we decided to open KEA Golf, a golf apparel brand focused on q
I was told that there is an app that I can go to and add money to my son's account for the NX, or I can buy stamps and other items for him. Does anyone know about this?
I know from this forum that some of us are going to get to spend time with our Sailors over this 2022 Holiday season. But, I am sure there are many who are not going to be able to spend time with them.
New to the forum. Thought I would say hello and make a post.
I have 3 sons 21,20 and 17. My two oldest are currently in the Navy and my youngest is a couple weeks out from joining the Marine Corps. Looking around at most Gen Z kids these days, I ju
I'm curious. My boy is in the 6 January 2023 RTC graduating class. This is a three guest limit class. He is attending school in Great Lakes as well. I understand when attending school there, check-in occurs on the same day as graduation. My question
The USS Trayer is the site of boot camps new Battle Stations trainer (Battle Stations 21). This will be your Recruits final test of endurance, strength, and teamwork to becoming a "United States Sailor". They will e
I'm aware that most people are posting on FB groups but thought I'd throw in a post here (I haven't had FB since 2019). My son left 9/27 and is in Ship 13, Div 433.
Any other parents out there with kids graduating anytime in December?