My daughter leaves in nine days I think we have prepared everything for her to make the transition into the military smooth. We set up a Navy FCU account for her, we have also gotten the basic female hygiene necessities that she is allowed to bring
Hello.. My son is in Boot camp and will then go on to A school in Pensacola, his job is AO. He was originally told that it was 13+ weeks, and now boot camp is saying that it is only 25 days. Please adviser and thank you.
My son is 4 weeks into basic. He is doing great and is very passionate about what he is doing. Finally received a call from him Saturday night. It was great to hear his voice. He said he was doing good but had some concerns about the rest of the div.
Hello all. My brother is graduating MP training in San Antonio on Friday. The family has plans to stay in the area until Sunday. We assumed our sailor would be able to purchase and schedule his own flight home.
my Son just got his Rate of AD taken away 3rd week of bootcamp based on the color test with the numbers and dots. I do not know if there is any way to get them to do the farnsworth lamp test which they used to use when you failed the ishihara dots te
My son is in air traffic control A school. Is A School graduation cerimony similar to PIR? Wondering if we should make a trip to Florida for it. Any insight is appriciated.
My name is Daniel and my girlfriend left to RTC 4 solid weeks ago. She always said I’ll write you and that she wanted tons of letters from me. She wrote my address done in her address book and I’m confused as to why I haven’t received a letter? I can
My son is about to get his "Dolphins". Is there a traditional Navy gift for this or would something like a challenge coin be appropriate? Just looking for ideas. Thank you
My son graduated on January 12 of this year 2018 and now is in BESS, Groton CT. From there A-School.....Just curious at what point will he be able to come home for a visit? will he have a liberty or opportunity for leave in between not to mess up his
My son is an MA in his second year of enlistment. He has nearly completed his first duty station assignment at Souda Bay in Crete, Greece. He did complete his harbor patrol qualification while there. His next duty station will be Diego Garcia in t
Has anyone heard if the uss monterey has changed the schedule for returning back to the states we usually hear from our daughter every week but haven't heard from her in 2 weeks now, wondering what's up with all that's going on. Thanks for any help
My son is a Nuke MM @ Goose Creek. I am reading a lot about how others are finding it tough, suicides, depressions, etc and am worried. How do we as parents know how he is doing? Unlike Schools, we have no access to his grades, attendance or anything
When I went to A School many moons ago we used to get mail delivered to us in class. My son just got to Goose Creek yesterday and said he has to rent a mailbox... is that for real or is he just not talking to the right people? If he is wrong, does
This is somewhat irregular situation and I'm hoping other parents might have dealt with it. My son is leaving for RTC in a few weeks, but he doesn't have his driver's license yet. The state we live in makes it so difficult to get a minor licensed (co
My daughter graduated 1.19.18. But was put in ship 5 till her medical papers are signed. Hope it doesn't take long. She said she's talk to people that's been there for mths. Boy I hope not. Has anybody no people has went to ship 5 and how lo
My future nuke finally got the call that he's leaving next week. Originally we were told we would have a couple weeks notice, but we got 7 days.
Apparently this is because of where it falls in relation to RTC graduation and Christmas. Because his nor
Naming Conventions
Almost all Naval Aviators are commissioned officers; a small number of chief warrant officers are also trained as Naval Aviators.
Until 1981 the US Navy and Marine Corps also had a small number of senior enlisted personnel traine