A school start up

How often do they start a new group in A school? Is it every week like boot camp?

Just wondering because my son is stuck in THU and may not get to Goose Creek before things start up in January. 

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  • Thanks for the response Tony.  I'm hoping he'll be able to move on this week.  We'll see.

  • Hi Andrew. 

    My sailor did PIR on 12/15 and left Great Lakes on 1/5. He would have left a little earlier except he managed to lose his ID right after Christmas. So the medical clearance took a couple weeks. Would have likely taken a lot longer if we had not taken initiative and lit some fires under people. And encouraged our sailor to be proactive from his end. 

    Initially after he lost the id he was told it could take a couple months to get that all cleared up. Don't know if that's was just to scare him or what but thankfully it didn't happen that way. Took just several days. We believe because there was a huge graduating class coming into thu that next week and they needed him out. The real bummer was we had planned to go up and spend the weekend with him over New Years and without the id we had to cancel those plans as he couldn't leave base. 

    He ended up spending about 3 days in the USO at Ohare because that was the weekend of the huge ice storm than shut down the Charleston airport. 

    Once he got to Goose Creek he classed up right away. Coming in after the break I think was part of that. I think the speed of classing up really depends on the influx of new nukes into goose creek at any given time. 

    Congrats to your sailor and your family for getting to this point. Ours is liking it so far and doing well overall.  

  • Tony.  Did your son make it to A School yet?  How long did it take to get orders after getting cleared and did he class up right away when he got to Goose Creek?  My son just got cleared to transfer from THU Great Lakes and I'm hoping gets orders this week.  He's set to be in the MMN pipeline.

  • They usually start a class every week unless, for some reason, they don't have enough students. When he gets to NNPTC he won't wait long before his class starts INDOC and then A-School.

  • Unless there are no rooms available in the barracks. That was one of the reasons Stephen got held at Great Lakes for a month. Since it's Christmas, we'll call it, "no room at the inn."

  • that I cannot answer............gonna guess though they will move him to Goose Creek and wait there

  • Ok. Thanks. Do you know if they will leave him at THU until they have enough or will they send him on to Goose Creek as soon as he has clearance and have him wait there for a group to form?

    NavyDads Admin (Paul) said:

    typically start when they have enough for a class

  • typically start when they have enough for a class

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