Well just got my first letter from my son in boot camp and I have never worried more about him than now, his opening line was that he loves and misses me and cant wait to see me when he graduates or if he fails,,,,,,,,,omg.......he has been in for 4
We haven’t heard from my son in some time, since May in fact when out last text from him said he had to wait until the next class to school up as they had to many MC’s to start at the same time. He was having phone issues at the time and said he woul
My son called today to inform us that his graduation would be pushed back a month because he did not pass his final PFA. Is there anything I need to do about our PIR tickets or will the Navy just forward those to the new graduation date?
Good evening and thanks for adding me to the group. My son Andrew is in his first week at OCS. My question is how do I find out his class number and does anyone know when the first time they may be allowed to make phone calls.
Hello everyone. I joined Navy Dads a few days ago and finally got a few free moments to post something up. My youngest has been in boot camp for a couple of weeks now and is supposed to graduate on 12/6. My wife and I are extremely proud of his decis
TMs are responsible for all phases of weapons loading, unloading and storage on all classes of submarines. This includes torpedoes, Tomahawk missiles and countermeasure devices. A TM works on high
Hi I am a new Dad here on Navy dads , my son is in boot camp and I just joined today . I am excited for him and a proud father of him and the decisions he has made . Now for me to learn and understand what he is doing and going threw , I have never b
Christmas gifts for your sailor that cannot necessarily take a lot of stuff back with him. I have 2, one stationed in Virginia and apparently moves around quite a bit the other is just finishing up at the Naval Station GL and shipping out to Coronado
I am a Navy grandma, trying to know if grandson id deployed because we have not heard from him. He is on George W Bush Aircraft Carrier based in Virginia Beach/Norfolk. Please if someone knows just let me and us know that is why we cannot get ahol
Hello, I'm new to this and I am going on my first TC in a couple months. I have no idea where to get the forms for the TC. My son sent me links but they won't open. Is there a place that I can download the forms?
My son was just informed he will not be continuing with his training for submarine duty. He failed too many quizzes and tests. He is currently in Groton, Conn. I am curious as to what happens to him now and if there is any kind of timeline for him
I'm here to ask for help. My son asked for leather gloves for Christmas. Leather, black, warm and all that. I looked online and got lost so now I'm wondering if anyone can recommend really good brand that I can look for. Thank you so much
Please remove this if it's breaking any rules for posting. A link of this documentary was sent to me yesterday by my Sister. Wish we all had seen it prior to my son shipping off to RTC. He is 4 1/2 weeks in and appears to be doing fine. His 1st l
Fire Controlman AEGIS (FCA) provides weapon direction systems employment recommendations; perform organizational and intermediate maintenance on digital computer equipment, subsystems, and systems; operate and maintain
I learned yesterday that both of my sons (Jonathan HT1, and Will MMN1) were advanced to Chief in their respective rates. The rush of pride in my heart for both of my sons was overwhelming. They have both worked so very hard to achieve this tremendous