Christmas gifts for your sailor that cannot necessarily take a lot of stuff back with him. I have 2, one stationed in Virginia and apparently moves around quite a bit the other is just finishing up at the Naval Station GL and shipping out to Coronado next week. My wife wants to give them Christmas gifts while they are home, but I fear they will just be left behind because they just cannot take everything with them. Not to mention they are both in their 20's and not little boys any more as much as my wife will not admit. What do other families do? Gift cards? seems a little boring...
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Thanks for the heads-up on USB sticks. Sensible.
Water proof wrist watches, challenge coins, copies of family photos. Shipboard individual storage is very limited, I know pictures kept me going through a lot of my time in.
sorry to say this but beware of sending flash drives due to security reasons.
Jerome May said:
Socks. Sneaker balls.
Music and books (audiobooks) on an SD card or USB stick, if your sailor has an MP3 player or laptop.
Food, candy, consumables.