I want to keep this as generic as possible, so please forgive me. Anyone that has done a cruise will know the frustration or know how to avoid it.

There is paperwork hell and between the 5 pages for command and the 5512 - there is just lots of confusion.

for me - we have made it past the pages for command, but this 5512 is turning into a CF. so i am wanting to ask:

  1. Do we need to get 5512 from sailor or can we DL from SECNAV and complete, sending to sailor?

  2. What is the need for work hours - seems really silly for them to ask me my work hours.  (i think i know answer to that but throwing it out there anyway)

  3. Once the 5512 is complete and sent - does that cover both ports of call? 
    1. we have family needing to drive us on base so last thing we need is to not be able to get on the ground. 

any feedback is valuable. thank you in advance

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  • Sorry about the Tiger being cancelled. Buy Navy comes first. Have a Merry Christmas!

  • Our cruise was cancelled. The ship never came home and is still deployed in the MED. (2nd extension)...  But we know they are safe and the CO is continually providing updates. I eneded up using some resources and got connected to their Chief which allowed us to get an answer to some questions and also communicate the passing of a family member, so that was good.  

    We dont know when we will get to see them again. With each day that passes it seems more distant in some ways. 

    Anyhoo, We did finally get a straight answer from Chief and were able to get paperwork complete. YAH!!!

    Thank you to @Paul for the response. I have been a lot distracted so I am sorry for the delayed response. 

    OH... Maybe this will make someone smile.    I created a challenge coin for my sailor and had 20 made and shipped to them. They have already handed them all out and wants one for their entire team... so dad just had 50 more printed and will be shipping them out as soon as i get them sanded.   Going to work on making one for 2024 and doing one each year till they are home. it was good to hear him smile when they called for a belated birthday wish.

    Happy Holidays to all.  I hope all our Sailors come home safe.

  • from the Facebook page:

    Seems like no one else is comfortable answering your questions, so I will give it a try. I think you are referring to the forms needed for a tiger cruise. I haven't been on one, but remember family members of shipmates sailing with us from Hawaii to San Diego when returning from WestPac. The SecNav form 5512 looks like a form for info for a background check. The most common use for such is for ID for people working on a base (so the info about work hours is needed). It's not a perfect fit for a background check for a tiger cruiser, but probably the closest fit to provide the info needed for the check. Your sailor should be able to find out who the ship's ombudsman is. That person should be able to find the answers to questions that you have.

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