ASVB study program during boot camp?

Good afternoon,

My son just left for boot camp last week7/16/2024 and he is enrolled in a class to help him study and retake the ASVB test to improve his score so he can qualify for a different rate. It is right after P days then he picks up right after that week 2 of boot camp. Does anyone know anything about it, and what is its success rate in sailor's getting better scores and the job's they really want?

Please let me know what you think!!

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  • Reuben Baker said:

    Thank you for sending this to me! I think this is what he is in, but according to the recruiter this is a new program with in the last few months and it is very different from what the recruiter was told. I recruiter is very upset that what is happening to my son is not what he was told, and my son is going through a very rough time, and it has turned him off from the navy. He regrets going and I am afraid that this will have a negative impact on him and his career. I wish there was someone I could talk to other than about this. I feel strongly about talking with someone, but at the same time it is a waste of time it is the navy after all.

    Yeah, the reflex to talk to someone is what we have all wanted to do at one time or another. But your son is an adult and usually interference by mom or dad is frowned upon and most of the time makes it harder on the recruit. All you can do is encourage him to stay with it. He won't regret it.

    Best of luck!


  • Thank you for sending this to me! I think this is what he is in, but according to the recruiter this is a new program with in the last few months and it is very different from what the recruiter was told. I recruiter is very upset that what is happening to my son is not what he was told, and my son is going through a very rough time, and it has turned him off from the navy. He regrets going and I am afraid that this will have a negative impact on him and his career. I wish there was someone I could talk to other than about this. I feel strongly about talking with someone, but at the same time it is a waste of time it is the navy after all.

  • Reuben,

    I think this is what you're looking for:

    U.S. Navy Recruit Training Command > Recruits > Future Sailor...

  • never have heard of that program

  • The class is two weeks long, what happens to the group that was in school and what ship does he rejoin?

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