How to find my Daughter's division help !

My Daughter arrived at RTC boot camp on 08/16th 2022

I have not heard from her in about 5 weeks. I know they do not have access to their phones while in boot camp.

My daughter might have contacted her mother in the Midwest about graduation, sending the invitation letter etc. I leave in the far South East.
Her mother and I have not spoken in 5 years after a nasty divorce.
I would love to attend my daughter's graduation but I have zero information on her.

If I knew her division, I could at least fill out the paper work on line to get tickets for her graduation.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you.

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  • Yea, same here, I never get to attend my kid’s officer graduation in Groton, CT and in Panama City.

    BTW, I never know anything where Groton and Panama City are or what there until I Google  and found to be…yikes Naval Submarine and Warfare.

    Haven’t heard from my kid for 6 wks and when I get a text it is always about “can’t tell you”  I am always the last one to know even I am the dad….so much sleepless /anguish nites.

    That tells you I don’t really know much about the Navy’s protocol.

  • He does not know her division so hard to determine what PIR to watch 

    Eric Austin said:

    You can find her graduation on YouTube on one of the Navy pages. Yeah, not like being there, but still great when you recognize her marching by.  I went through a similar situation, but after time and forgiveness everything is all good. Hang in there. 

  • You can find her graduation on YouTube on one of the Navy pages. Yeah, not like being there, but still great when you recognize her marching by.  I went through a similar situation, but after time and forgiveness everything is all good. Hang in there. 

  • Sorry you are having to endure this- when I got divorced years ago, my ex and I agreed to never let our differences get in the way of comms about our kids or details we needed to share. We even sat together at my daughter's PIR and my son's PIR...if you know who your daughter's recruiter was you can try to contact them, but their info is often spotty at best......good luck bro !

  • I agree to the statements above, I have reached out to my ex via email, but she ignored it all together. I guess I will miss this big event.

    At least I tried every possible way to attend without any luck.

    Thanks to all.

  • I agree with Paul. You and your ex need to set your differences aside for your daughter's sake. We have seen this too many times in a broken marriage where the sailor suffers. You all will only walk this way once. Make the most of it. 

    Wishing you the best...


  • you can try to call her recruiter but they often do not have final division information.  Your best bet would be to talk to her mother and ask for contact info......RTC will not provide you info as info has to come from your sailor

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