Just hoping to get a rough idea of when my son might ship off to boot camp. He is going into the Nuclear program, and swore his oath at the end of January. His contract date was 4/27, but he was told that was almost certain to get pushed out.
My daughter is scheduled to head to GL in early July. She recently had a bout of the doubts about the whole process. But a frank discussion with her NC1 and myself seem to have calmed her nerves. She's worried about loosing friends, missing out
My son signed his contract yesterday and ships out August 18th to Great Lakes. He's actually been at this since November 24th but his first recruiter never did anything for him - never turned in any paperwork, no JPASS information, etc. It was biza
Okay so I am a 17yr old female high school student with about four months left until I ship out and I'm really nervous. Is there anything I should prepare for? Also how do I keep myself of the radar during boot? And what's boot like? I've watched som
Well, we had quite the scare the other day. Daughter had gone to spend sometime with her mother and her family. She got the "are you SURE you want to go in the Navy. We can help you pay for school..." talk. She went to her next DEP meeting questionin
I am the proud dad of a future Sailor who will begin his adventure in August of this year. Additionally, I am a retired Sailor myself (FC1(SW) AND served a tour of recruiting duty both as a production recruiter and as a MEPS liason staff member. If a
Son decided after 2 years of college (ME/Physics major) that he would rather join the Navy - no problems with this (though a small part of me wished he would have finished his degree - but that will happen in time).
I don't know if this is the right group for this question, so forgive me if I lost. My son Will is going to be off to Boot Camp after he graduates high school. Here is my problem. With his 18th birthday, Christmas and HS graduatio
hi everyone..i've been lurking in the background for a couple of months..but today after 3 trips trips to boston meps ..Ian got his AC rate in place and is due to ship out Nov 16th..i'm proud to be here!
My son has applied for Delayed entry, but I can find little about it. He's a student at Purdue (now a sophomore), & spent his freshmen year in NROTC. His commander nominated him & 8 others for scholarships , but the Navy seems to have closed off awar