Navy Dads

Navy Counselor
NCC (Career)
Help Sailors put their experiences in motion and in making wise career decisions. They help Sailors explore and evaluate their education, training, work history, interest, personal traits, and physical capacities and limitations. They work with Sailors in developing skills and assist them in applying proper job placement. They arrange aptitude and achievement tests and feedback and career guidance. They provide second career counseling for Sailors who are transitioning or retiring.


The Navy Counselor (NC) rating is not open to the incoming recruit. This rating requires a thorough knowledge of the Navy organization, including personnel and administrative procedures and policies. Because the NC rating accepts only petty officers first and second class, it is not open to first-term enlistees. A Navy person who intends to apply for this rating must have experienced the total environment of the Navy. The individual's background must clearly indicate familiarity with shipboard life; first hand knowledge of varied aspects of Navy life and duties gained through participation in a wide range of activities and assignment; and a high level of leadership as well as comprehension of diverse assigned duties. Navy counselors offer career guidance to Navy people aboard ships and at shore facilities, and to civilians who are considering enlistment in the Navy. They assist commands in organizing and implementing an aggressive enlisted career information program; evaluates enlisted career information program within own command and/or subordinate commands as applicable; supervises and coordinates interviewing and counseling efforts; counsels individuals and gives presentations to civic groups, naval personnel and their family members on the advantages of career opportunities and professional development in the Navy; establishes and maintains liaison with local media; serves as Transition Assistance Program Managers; provide counseling on veteran benefits and relocation programs.

NCC - Career Specialist

Provide instructional leadership, retention and attrition trends, recruit, interview and advise Sailors of policies and requirements that have been established by cognitive authority. They improve morale and productivity by effectively identifying rating skills, rating management and training opportunities, which enhances skills and boost Sailors satisfaction with in their jobs. They develop, train, and monitor retention and career information programs. They also prepare budgets, career information reports, analyze career information and advise senior command leadership and Sailors on career opportunities.

NCC - Chief Career Counselor

Chief Career Counselors: Is an experienced counselor who develops coordinates and implements career information programs and policies with in the Navy. They oversee regional, battle group and command training and development including organizational and technological change. They establish rating and staffing requirements. Collect and examine retention and attrition data and provide trend analysis. They implement, review career information surveys and provide recommendations and feedback to cognitive authority. A Master Counselor provides executive guidance in all aspects of career counseling and ensures compliance with changing laws and regulations are maintained in a rating that constantly generates new knowledge.

NCC - Command Career Counselor

Help Sailors put their experiences in motion and in making wise career decisions. They help Sailors explore and evaluate their education, training, work history, interest, personal traits, and physical capacities and limitations. They work with Sailors in developing skills and assist them in applying proper job placement. They arrange aptitude and achievement test and feedback and career guidance. They provide second career counseling for Sailors who are transitioning or retiring.

Navy NCR - Recruiting Manager

Chief Recruiter performs training and counseling in the professional development of all assigned recruiting supervisors. Identifies production deficiencies and develops POA&Ms to correct deficiencies. Ensures all production personnel are fully trained in professional selling skills. Conducts production and market analysis to identify areas for improvement. Responsible for determining locations for Navy Recruiting Stations. Assigns new reporting recruiters to Navy recruiting stations. Liaisons with Military Entrance Processing Stations to maintain high qualification standards of new enlisted applicants into the Navy. Monitors professional development of all assigned recruiting personnel to include Delayed Entry Program (DEP) personnel. Conducts analysis on retention and attrition of Delayed Entry Program for trends, and establishment of command policy to maintain with in national standards. Determines command monthly goaling assignments. Conducts command inspections to ensure compliance with current CNRC directives. Assist in the development of command budget plan. Conducts counseling and performance and evaluation boards. Schedules regular command formal training and monthly production meetings. Acts as the priority advisor to the Commanding Officer on all command recruiting issues.

Navy NCR - Recruiting Supervisor

Recruiter in Charge is responsible for the training, development and supervision of assigned recruiting personnel and Delayed Entry Program (DEP) personnel. Conducts training on prospecting techniques, sales proficiency, time management, enlistment elligibity requirements and General Military Training. Supervises the daily routine of the Sailors assigned to the Navy Recruiting Station to ensure assigned mission requirements are attained. Conducts activity and market analysis, prepares Plan of Action and Milestones (POA&Ms) to correct deficiencies. Responsible for care and maintenance of assigned minor property to include government vehicles. Conducts counseling and writes performance evaluations. Maintains liaison with community leaders, educators, and parents of new enlisted sailors. Conducts presentations throughout the civilian communities to enhance Navy awareness. Responsible for ensuring all recruiting systems and instructions are current in accordance with CNRC directives.


Navy Counselors:

  • interview personnel;
  • career development - for Active and Reserve programs;
  • prepare and deliver talks;
  • organize, train, motivate and manage an aggressive career information program;
  • establish and maintain liaison with local media;
  • recruit civilian personnel into the Navy.


Working Environment

Counseling duties are usually performed in an office environment. NCs work closely with others, but sometimes work independently with little supervision. Most of their work is mental.


A-School (Job School) Information

Program development training is available in this rating during later stages of career development.

"C" Technical School San Diego or Norfolk, Va. 4 weeks

Personnel and office administration, Navy rights and benefits, methods and dynamics of counseling Group and individualized instruction, and labs.

Rinc, Zone Supervisor,and Chief Recruiter School Pensacola, Fla. 2 Weeks,3 Weeks,and 2 Weeks

NCs wishing to become Navy recruiters attend a specialized 5-week course in Pensacola, Fla.


Security Clearance Requirement: None Required


Other Requirements

Candidates for the Navy counselor rating are selected from petty officers first class, and petty officers second class eligible for advancement to first class.


Sea/Shore Rotation for This Rating

  • First Sea Tour: N/A
  • First Shore Tour: N/A
  • Second Sea Tour: 48 months
  • Second Shore Tour: 48 months
  • Third Sea Tour: 36 months
  • Third Shore Tour: 36 months
  • Fourth Sea Tour: 36 months
  • Forth Shore Tour: 36 months

Note: Sea tours and shore tours for sailors that have completed four sea tours will be 36 months at sea followed by 36 months ashore until retirement.

Navy Career Counselors transition to the NC rating after completing at least one sea tour in their initial rating. After transition, the length of the first sea tour will be determined on a case-by-case basis depending upon the individual's sea tour experience. Career Recruiters have no sea duty billets.





100628-N-8374E-874 NORFOLK (June 28, 2010) Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (MCPON) Rick D. West addresses Navy counselors on the first day of the 22nd annual Navy Counselor Association symposium. (U.S. Navy photo by Senior Chief Mass Communication Specialist Maria R. Escamilla/Released)








101108-N-1482L-002 NORFOLK (Nov. 8, 2010) Chief Navy Counselor Nadine Fridy, a command career counselor aboard the amphibious assault ship USS Bataan (LHD 5), discusses the Navy's Fleet Ride and Perform to Serve programs with departmental career counselors on the ship's mess decks. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Elijah Leinaar/Released)

Navy Learning and Development Roadmap NCC

Navy Learning and Development Roadmap NCR

Views: 4147


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