1st Call from RTC-GL

Exactly 15 days from our SR's first full day in Great Lakes we received his call. Although it was not a liberty call, it was for setting up legal stuff (account numbers, VIN's, etc) we still got a few minutes to chat. Bottom line for all those who are waiting their calls, our son said, "P days were tough but since then this has been the best thing he has ever done in his life".

I know there is no schedule or formula for letters and calls but here is how ours has gone after two weeks in the books.

Ship out day - 10:00 pm GL time - I am here call.

4 days later - received the "box".

2 days later - received form letter.

9 days later - 1st call.

Write letters. He said the letters makes him feel connected and in communication with everyone even though he is not physically talking to us. We haven't received any letters but he did say he has mailed some to us.

God Bless all former, active and future military men and women. I love this website it is so informative and helpful.


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  • Thanks for sharing.  My son is a week behind your SR.  Best wishes for you and your SR.

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