Proper attire for graduation


Pass In Review Attire



I'm new to this, and was wondering if anyone had any suggestion as to what my wife and I should wear to the ceremony? My son is graduating on Friday 10/24.

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  • Hello everyone,
    My son will be graduating March 11th, we are coming from Colorado, what would be the most appropriate attire? Has the dress code changed?
  • OK, I am retired Army (SGM E-9) would my dress blues be ok or so I ask my grandson who is graduating in January?

  • Everybody says anything is ok to wear.  Most of these posts refer to cold weather.  My daughters PIR is 8/22/14.  I am sure we will be looking at temps in the 80's.  Are nice shorts and a polo acceptable.  I am not opposed to casual slacks and a polo but a few hours in that sun and I would be wilting.  Don't want to draw attention or embarras my daughter though she knows all I wear is short when allowable. Good hot weather is just what I need so when I am crying I can say it is just sweat.  Proud father.

    • The drill hall tends to be cool.....the A/C works well in other words. I've seen everything worn from jeans to three-piece's up to you naturally, but the Navy considers PIR a formal military event. I wore slacks and a sport coat but that's how I roll.........

  • Business casual works well. That is what most will be wearing!!!!
  • Just want to add one more thing- you will be siting in bleachers, so consider that before you go and get out the Armani suit!!!!

  • Just want to reiterate that PIR is a Formal Military Ceremony and it is conducted as such.  While I saw (and continue to see on the Livestream broadcasts) everything from jeans with hunting caps to three-piece suits, I think it is befitting to show respect for the tradition and history of the Navy and those in attendance by wearing something appropriate.  As I had posted before, for both of my PIRs I wore a sport coat and tie with slacks----accessorizing this year might have included a parka, mittens, and dog sled!!!!!

  • I like it Rik !

  • Our family plans to dress as formal as possible. This is a big day for our sailors and it is a show of respect for the occasion.
  • I'll go with Jim's comment that PIR is a formal Naval ceremony.  I've attended three such ceremonies in the two years since my son joined: PIR, A-School graduation and Power School graduation, and if I've learned one thing, it's that these events are not about you (and how cool your designer jeans with holes in them are), but are about your sailor and his shipmates, so dress accordingly.

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