My grandson had his PIR (Pass in Review) AKA "Graduation" on September 11th. For him, it was a very good, perhaps great experience. He was "early entry" , so had some background going in, and I'm ex-Navy (HMC) so he had some idea of what to expect. Bottom line, he thrived.
If your son/daughter just left for GL, you'll get their call soon, then it will be a while before you hear their voice again. Write letters, keep them coming. It's a Huge, repeat, Huge issue for these kids. You may only get a few back, but they read every one, and appreciate it more than you can imagine. For some its the difference between success & failure. Urge your extended family to write as well. Their biggest problem should be where they store all the mail.
There will be some young men & women who may not find its their cup of tea, but they'll figure it out soon. We met some of his Division mates after the ceremony. We were so proud of these young people. They start out as kids, and end up as young adults. You will soon understand the concept of "Military Bearing" :).
I was able to come to Pass in Review. With 13 Divisions graduating that day, only 3 family members were able to. He wanted his Mom , Dad, and me to be there. Was in tears. Great program, and the new sailors look marvelous marching in.
Those who can't watch in the Ceremonial Drill Hall will watch from the chapel. My wife reported it was a very nice space, but the video and sound were poor. The rest of our family and friends watched the live feed available at the web address they provide, and it was much better, from what we heard.
Russ Jordan
Thanks, our grandson ships out to GL Nov 2. I recall my shipping out in 1961. it was April and I wore jeans and a tee shirt. We left NY it was in the 80 clearly warm enough for how I was dressed. We arrive in Chicago it was snowing.
I am not at all concerned about his getting through Boot Camp or his enlistment, He a good kid and listens well. I know he knows how to play with others, but who will teach him how to shine shoes when all they ever wear are sneakers. Most importantly, can any of todays young men walk without their face in their phone... LOL.
Thanks for the support.
(US NAVY 1961 - 1962 E4 MA stationed Bainbridge, MD PAMI CONUS)
Well said!