Boot camp picture

Now that he has completed 'A' School, my son tells me pictures were taken of the sailors at Boot Camp. I was unaware of this so...does anyone know if it's possible to order those pictures now that it's past the day when they sailors could have ordered them themselves?

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  • I like your comment Paul, " your present is our presence". I had no idea how much I spent til i returned and tallied it up. I, like you, gave mine some back on the pictures.
  • I thought that mail address might be defunct but figured there was enough info you could get what you needed....glad it worked out

  • Thanks for the detailed reply!  The email address is no longer valid but I was able to call the toll free number and they emailed me the order form.  I've attached it here in case anyone else needs it.

    Thanks again!

    Photo Order Form.pdf

  • this is from 2010:

    Per the NEX Photo Lab at RTC on 7/27/10:

    IF a recruit orders Pkg A for $140 while IN boot camp, the Cruisebook (known as
    the Keel Yearbook) automatically comes with that package. IF a sailor or family
    member decides AFTER PIR weekend to order
    Pkg A, it does NOT come with it - and the price is not lowered due to this fact
    either. Reason: The Keel book is like a bonus feature for those who order
    early. Those who do not order Pkg A, but want a Cruisebook, can order one at
    the time photos are taken for $30. Very important: If a recruit orders Pkg A
    while in boot camp, but does not pay for it by PIR
    day, the Keel book will NOT be included in their photo order.

    There are two exceptions: #1 - IF a parent/sailor walks into the NEX photo lab
    ON graduation day, they can order a Cruise book that day for $30 and #2 - IF a
    sailor is still at RTC for those few days
    after PIR, they have 5 days to walk in and
    order the book. The lab will NOT accept requests by mail or by phone for this
    book, even if you call or write within that 5 day period!

    The reason for this is because they order the exact number of books that are
    paid for one week after PIR. Unlike photo
    re-orders that give you a year to re-order, you can never request a Keel
    Cruisebook after the fact.

    Also, he wanted me to remind everyone that prices do change, so even if you see
    a post on N4M that states a photo costs "X" amount, that price could
    change by the time your recruit orders their photos. They can change things
    (like including the Keel book) at any time, but recruits will always know
    exactly what they are paying for when they make their order and those orders
    are safe from any changes that may go into effect later.

    DVD's and VHS tapes of PIR
    are mailed out to the address given by the recruit approximately 5-7 weeks
    after PIR. The Cruisebook (Keel Yearbook)
    arrives 8-10 weeks after PIR.



    First, the recruit pays for these, either with a debit/credit card, or a check when they pick them up a few days before PIR. What I could not get confirmed
    was whether they can deduct it from their wages, but several Moms have posted
    that "yes", this can be done. Now... the parents/family can go in and
    pay for them and pick them up on PIR day -
    but you must be present to do that or have sent your recruit a check.

    Pkg A is expensive, but it's your best deal at $140.00: It does NOT come with
    the DVD of PIR,
    that is ordered separately for $29 (includes the shipping). However, the large
    pkg DOES include the Cruisebook, also known as the Keel Yearbook. It comes as a
    "gift" for ordering and PAYING for Pkg A by PIR
    date. If a recruit does not order Pkg A, they can order the Keel separately for
    $30 (includes shipping). Here's the confusion though - IF a recruit decides
    AFTER graduation that they want a Keel, it is too late, because the Photo Lab
    submits their order to the printing company that week - and they only order the
    exact number of books that have been PAID for. So, if you decide to order Pkg A
    AFTER graduation, you will not get the Keel book as a bonus. Hope that makes sense!

    Most recruits pick up their portraits a few days before PIR,
    then right after the ceremony they run back to barracks to pick them up and
    hand them to you. The DVD is mailed to the
    address the recruit writes down and arrives 5-6 weeks after PIR
    (got mine on time). The Keel is also mailed, but takes about 10 weeks to arrive
    (should get ours by next week).

    So, even though my son spent $174, it breaks down to this: Pkg A $140, DVD
    $29, and $5 for a 5x7 of the "casual" Division picture. The large
    11x17 formal Division picture is included in Pkg A. And remember, Keel book
    (worth $30) is included if Pkg A is ordered and paid for by graduation day.

    My suggestion is to write your recruit now and discuss what you want. My son
    paid for his, so it was his choice - however I did surprise him by reimbursing
    him on PIR day, which is something we chose
    to do. We did not buy him a graduation gift, our thought was "our present
    is our presence", it cost a small fortune to go to Chicago!



    Here are the packages, prices and important things to know about Navy Portraits as of 8/26/10:

    Your recruits picture will be taken in their Navy Blue uniform and these are
    very nice, professional portraits.

    No order form is sent to the families, it's up to the recruit to decide to order
    them or not, and how many.

    These are taken around week 4 or 5, they are ready and available for the
    recruit to pick up the last week of boot camp.

    They must be paid for with a debit or credit card, or personal check (cash okay
    - but they should never have that much cash with them at boot camp!). They
    cannot have the cost taken out of their pay check. Families can go into the NEX
    PIR day to pay, but it's a bit crazy on PIR day, so advise you to let recruit get
    them earlier that week. If your recruit did not bring a debit/credit card, mail
    them a check. Call the NEX Photo Lab for more info on that: 847-578-6205

    There are only two packages they can order:

    Package A - $140.00 (no tax charged)

    1 - 11x14 photo, 2 - 8x10, 2 - 5x7, 24 wallets, 1 - 11x14 formal Division
    photo. IMPORTANT: If they order and PAY for Package A no later than
    PIR day, it includes a free bonus - the
    Cruisebook (aka Keel Yearbook).

    Package B - $120.00 (no tax charged)

    1 - 8x10, 2 - 5x7, 16 wallets, 1 - 11x14 formal Division photo. There is no
    free bonus book in this package.

    Things you can order separately:

    Note: Your recruit cannot just buy a few photos, they must order a package to
    receive any photos at all. However they can just order a
    DVD or a Cruisebook without ordering photos.

    DVD or Video of PIR ceremony $29.00, includes shipping. It
    will be mailed to the address given by recruit 5-6 weeks after

    Cruisebook (aka Keel Yearbook) $30.00, includes shipping. It will be mailed to
    the address given by recruit 12-13 weeks after
    PIR. NOTE: This book is printed just one
    time, so if it is NOT ordered and paid for by
    PIR day, you can never get one later. The
    photo lab orders the exact number of books ordered and paid for the day after
    PIR, so there are never any left over. There
    are no exceptions to this rule.

    Reorders: You can order more photos in various sizes for up to one year from
    PIR date. There will be a form in the
    portrait package to do this. Reorders can only be ordered if your recruit
    ordered a package.

    Frames: The above packages come with thick construction paper frames - it does
    keep them safe when traveling. The NEX also sells very nice frames in a variety
    of sizes and styles. Prices are on the order form that comes with the

    This information was confirmed with two different employees at the NEX Photo


    If anyone wants to contact the "picture people," here is an email address where you can ask any questions:

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