My husband is in Pensacola for 7 months. His A-school doesn't start until February but he still have to be there. We have a 4 month old so I want to move closer so we can at least see him 1-2 times a week instead of staying months apart. SO far, he has been gone for 2 months and she can't remember him. She cries when he holds her. And I know it hurts his feelings. My question is, can I move without the Navy consent? Will moving affect my BAH? Our BAH in NY is 3times the amount of Florida. 2. Because we live in such a huge city, we never bought a car, buses and the subway is at the end of our block so it was always convenient. We won't be purchasing a car until early March and I want to move to Pensacola in January 2014. My husband said it's hard to get around in Florida without a car but I was planning on taking a cab when necessary. The apartment I am planning on renting is 2 minutes from base. 3. Is it possible to move without a car? I just want my family to be together. I know he will be on a ship after A-school so I want to take advantage of all the time I can get. We have been together for 9 years (H.S Sweethearts) and it's our first time being apart. I can handle 2 months but 7 is a long stretch with a tiny baby and a dog. I have no help at home :(
Can someone please give me some advice on what I could do....Thanks