Care Package Idea.....

A recent post from Charles about coffee got me thinking and I asked Kat about sending packages with biscotti and gourmet coffee.......this was her response: I think every shop I've ever been to on a shoot has had a coffee maker. There's a joke that all a sailor needs to look like their in charge is a coffee mug and a bad attitude. Or something. I know everyone would love coffee and in my experience any type of flavored creamer (powdered for easy shipping) french vanilla is usually the most popular flavor. Any type of sweets go over well. That box of biscotti you sent me went like retarded fast. I don't know about other ships but we had pallates of girl scout cookies on the ship on deployment. But it would all be appreciated. If you are close to a Costco, the biscotti they have are wonderful for can break open the package and fit tons of individual biscotti into a package...get a couple of pounds of a GOOD ground coffee and some flavored've got a care package for a dept on a carrier!!

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