Navy Dads

My wife called me at work moments ago, crying.  She read my son's very short letter to me over the phone in which he basically states that boot camp is so much harder than he ever believed it would be...constant yelling...being told how to do everything.  He asked that we keep him in our prayers (which of course we do).  Unfortunately, my son has had a history of not seeing many things through and messing up his teenage years.  His own realization of all that led him to the most important decision he has ever made.  I tried to explain to my wife that he has only been in Great Lakes SIX days, and that it was only just about to get alot worse.  Was that a mistake?  That isn't what moms want to hear.  I explained to her that the yelling and discipline were all part of a carefully orchestrated plan to turn 90 individuals into a TEAM....and that NOBODY in his group are having any kind of fun or "party" right now.  Then my own insecurities crept up.  Will he make it?  I can't begin to imagine the shame and embarrassment were he to be sent home.  I guess what I am in need of here is some moral support of my own.  It's only been 6 days.......

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All I can say is that the Navy has been generating sailors since 13 Oct. 1775 and I think they have developed a system that seems to work.  The first 2 weeks are tough...they have to get the recruits to stop thinking about home and they need to cut the apron strings.  I would say most sailors that I know of have said they thought boot camp was easier than they imagined it would son wrote in a letter he was a little disappointed as he thought it would be MORE "Full Metal Jacket" than it was...hang tough

I'm still waiting for that 1st letter and I have the same anxieties that you and your wife does. I do believe however that the navy will do all it can to promote our kids to sailors and it is up to our kids to want it! I have faith that yours and mine will be at PIR along with us! See you there!


He'll be fine, I made it, 1978, My son made it, 2004, it's all part of it. Don't sweat it. Wait till you see him a graduation, he'll be a man. You won't know where the boy went. See how much his Mom cries then.  I still do when I see my son in special activities. He made sailor of the year last year for his region. I cry all the time, sometimes he gets pissed sometimes he doesn't.

Jim and everyone, thank you.  I guess plenty of handkerchiefs will be needed for graduation!  Every day I study the Google map of Great Lakes.  I could drive from Chicago O'Hare to the hotel to the Training Facility right now with no need for directions.  6 more weeks...

You'll be fine. It's an easy trip. It is a phenomenal ceremony and full of pride and custom.  Just try and remember it will be his first time out of a very regimented situation. Take him to dinner, welcome a shipmate who's parents might not be there,. It's all Navy, which means one Navy,one ship, one man. Team sprit all the way. Call me if you need to talk or some support. 443-336-2404.  Jim

Hugh your son will be just fine and he will make it through boot camp. I finally received my sons first letter Tuesday. He said he was okay and learning lots of new things. He said to tell his papa he loved him and that he missed and loved us deeply. Your son made the decision to become a sailor, and with the help and encouragement from his shipmates and his family he will do just that. Just keep believing in him and he will in turn believe in himself. Every day I write letters to my son so that he gets one daily just reminding him that what he's going through is hard work, but everyone at home is rooting for him and we will see him at the finish line (boot camp). I tell him to stay strong, to keep his head up and that he can do this. Your son will do it too just wait and see :)

You dont say what ship and division your son is in. My son is in ship 9 division 315 and the wife is pacing the floor waiting for a letter or phone call from our son. congrats and good luck in the future.


Brian my son is ship 02, DIV 945.  We still have not gotten any mail from him except the two lines he wrote at the bottom of the standard form letter sent out from GL thanking us.  Do they get stationery and/or pens/pencils to write home with?

Hugh, Our son Peyton is also in Ship 2 Div 945 and we have not heard from him either. There is a discussion group for parents with recruits in Ship 2 Div 945 and the other two dads have gotten a phone call for info to help with security clearance but no letters. From what I have seen on other boards it looks like letters start coming around week three so hopefully they are being written today.

Please join the group and we will share any info that we get.


Han in there like Paul says.  The Navy has done this before.

Good Lord, were we supposed to send self-addressed stamped envelopes to our son?  You'd think that would be one thing they'd be given.  We've not gotten any mail yet and it's three weeks tomorrow....

I know it's really hard, but hang in there.  My daughter, who used to be pretty sensitive cried all through her first phone call, and she had been planning on going into the service for over 6 years.  It does get better, or at least easier for them to handle.  And the mail will come.  They give them a cash card and let them go to the NEX to buy stamps, envelopes etc., but you could send him some pre-addressed labels if possible. 


And write, write write.  Tell him you're proud of him, how you know it's hard but you know he's tough enoudh to take it, etc. My son, who is two weeks from PIR has been putting a lot of humor and funny stories into his letters, but in the background i can tell it's tough.  he's just decided to be tougher, and I'm sure your son will to.


My thoughts are with you.  You will probably get a good long letter really soon.

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