My son Matt ships out 7/18 for GL. He has been busting his butt getting ready.
Gym, Running, Swimming pretty much his life.
Started him on some Firearms training with my Beretta 92FS, Rem 870 shotgun and AR-15. He was always a great shot with Rifle and shotgun, First time with the Beretta he was shooting like he had been for years. Don't see a problem.
He is a geared up for Basic and can't wait. Will be a piece of cake next to the Nuke training that lays ahead.
Have never seen him so excited and motivated.
he'll only have to fire the 9mm and the 12ga....most important....make darn sure he understands "Attention to Detail"....when told to make a fold 1" from the button, it does not mean 1 1/8"