My grandson left June 10, 2014 (Tues) on the following Monday, I got the box. It was very emotional, I cried. I'm hoping for the form letter this week so I can send him the notes I've written each day since he left.
His phone was in the box, I charged it and called SPRINT to put it on "HOLD" while he is at RTC. (they will still charge $8.99 + 9.00 in surcharges, fees, and taxes) I don't like it, but $18/month is better than 55.00! Anyone else get a better deal with SPRINT?
I'm very proud and excited for his future. Sure wish I knew how he is feeling about all this....or maybe I don't want to know yet!
Agreed, please keep on writing. It'll keep him sane. Before you know it you'll be at his graduation and you'll be giving him his phone back!
He'll be fine, Sir. But keep on writing every day, he'll appreciate it more than you know. Besides sleep, it's THE thing they look forward to every night.
right now he's wondering "what did I do to deserve this....." and feeling kinda lost and maybe homesick.........normal normal normal! In a couple of weeks he'll get to make his first calls and start the real growth process into becoming a sailor !