Got THE BOX from Boot Camp

My grandson left June 10, 2014 (Tues) on the following Monday, I got the box. It was very emotional, I cried. I'm hoping for the form letter this week so I can send him the notes I've written each day since he left.

His phone was in the box, I charged it and called SPRINT to put it on "HOLD" while he is at RTC. (they will still charge $8.99 + 9.00 in surcharges, fees, and taxes) I don't like it, but $18/month is better than 55.00! Anyone else get a better deal with SPRINT?

 I'm very proud and excited for his future. Sure wish I knew how he is feeling about all this....or maybe I don't want to know yet!

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  • Agreed, please keep on writing.  It'll keep him sane.  Before you know it you'll be at his graduation and you'll be giving him his phone back!

  • He'll be fine, Sir. But keep on writing every day, he'll appreciate it more than you know. Besides sleep, it's THE thing they look forward to every night.

  • right now he's wondering "what did I do to deserve this....." and feeling kinda lost and maybe homesick.........normal normal normal! In a couple of weeks he'll get to make his first calls and start the real growth process into becoming a sailor !

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