Hold for AECF ATT

My son recently graduated and moved over to the Naval Station Great Lakes A School! We were proud to see him graduate and the performance from the 921 division was outstanding! He has been put on hold before ATT school. He just has several questions about his hold and I wanted to see if I could help him to get some answers!

First, how long can a reservist ET expect to be on hold? Also, is there a way for him to switch from Reserve to Active during A School? He decided along the way during boot camp that Navy lifestyle was something he loved and wants to continue full-time. Also, he was told to check his clearance and it says "No Determination Made." He has minor debt, but nothing that I personally feel will affect his ability to obtain a clearance. However, he was worried that this means he will not receive the clearance. Is this normal? Is it just because he hasn't arrived to ATT yet? Or is there something he should do to clear things up?

Thank you!

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