has any1 had 2 take cabs around chicago and if i have 2 take one for 4 miles approximately how much would that cost

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  • Contact the Navy Lodge and stay there....a lot nicer with kitchenett and only 65 a night.
  • We stayed at the Navy Lodge on base.  I had a taxi called the night before PIR and it was waiting for us at 630a the morning of.  We needed a van fir the 5 of us and it was easy.   The cost for us was 5 dollars ffor the group.  Easy!  After PIR there were plenty on taxis waiting to take us back to the lodge.  If you rent a car I would get a speed pass.  I think they wanted 5 for that.  It would have been
    Better than digging in my pocket every 2 miles.  But that was going back and forth to
    The city.  
  • We drove into Bootcamp graduation without a problem.
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