I've taken the liberty of copying something Cora posted earlier today.  This is a post from the GW's FRG about security is important that you relay to your sailors how important it is to follow OPSEC guidelines.  If you complain about not getting enough e-mails from your sailor while on cruise, how will you feel if e-mail is shut has happened and will again.  Please remind your sailors to pay attention to what they disucss and communicate...this is NOT a YMCA summer camp they are involved in and the inapproriate communication of information can have deadly consequences.


Good Afternoon,

We have encountered some Operational Security violations.

Some family members who received port information have been e-mailing and/or posting the country the ship is going to next. Just because the country and not the specific port is mentioned does not mean this is OK. Stating the country the GW will be visiting is still violating OPSEC. Stating this information electronically or over the phone is putting the sailors at risk.

Some family members who received port information have been e-mailing and/or posting the dates. Just because you have not mentioned the port but are counting down when you will see your sailor or when you are meeting the ship is a violation of OPSEC. Doing so puts thousands of people at risk.

Some family members who received the port information have been e-mailing and/or posting the specific port. We understand some people have questions and/or are excited about the port, usually because they are trying to meet the ship there, but stating the port is violating OPSEC and placing your sailors at risk.

The Command has entrusted GW family members with schedule/port information. Let us not disappoint them; let us keep our beloved sailors safe. If you have observed OPSEC we thank you for your vigilance.

Thank you,

George Washington Family Readiness Group

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  • Well the Marines have gone further with OPSEC, if the Marine handles any sensitive kind of stuff, and I will leave it at that, he has been told to remove hometown, where he or she is based, any personal information on open forums and ask immediate family members do so also. And I hear rumors that Marine secret squirrels have even tougher rules on open forums.
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