SHIP 02, DIVISION 904 PIR Dec 5th
My son Noah is with Ship 2, Division 904? Anyone out there with an SR in this same ship/division? Are you heading to Great Lakes to attend 12/5 PIR? Hoping to meet other parents at Sarge's Meet-n-Greet.
Read more…My son Noah is with Ship 2, Division 904? Anyone out there with an SR in this same ship/division? Are you heading to Great Lakes to attend 12/5 PIR? Hoping to meet other parents at Sarge's Meet-n-Greet.
Read more…My son left Seattle and arrived at RTC on October 7th. Looking forward to hearing from him in what I hear is his 3rd week.
Read more…Sunday, August 26, 2012
I am the Dad of a Navy Recruit. I’m going to keep his name out of this forum for security reasons. I will tell you that he just finished his 1-week.Last Friday the 24th , my son called me from RTC GL about 1600 PST. I’m ex-N
Read more…Anyone else have a recruit on this ship and in this division?
I've heard that they will be doing there Battleship 21 drill on Tuesday Nov 2, 2010. Have any of you heard anything different?
Any comments or information is greatly appreciated!
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