Learn to Speak their Language




Once your soon to be Sailor ships out for Recruit Training Command it's time to speak the language ( Boot Camp Slang ). Your Sailor will arrive as a SR ( Seaman Recruit ) and after passing battlestations they will be known as United States Sailors. Navy Dads wishes them the best from the first few days when they're known as smurfs to when you arrive at PIR to seeing them as Sailors. Good luck to them during boot camp and good luck to you learning their language.







A-ROC - Assignment Recruit Petty Officer - This Recruit is the second in command when the RDC's are not present.

ASMO - Assignment Memorandum - to be sent back in recruit training.

Battle Stations - This will be your Recruits final test of endurance, strength, and teamwork to becoming a "United States Sailor". They will endure 24 straight hours of obstacles that may face them once at Sea aboard Recruit Training Commands USS Trayer.

BS - Battlestations

BCG - Boot Camp Glasses (also known as Birth Control Glasses) - The singularly unattractive large, black rimmed glasses issued to Recruits.

BZ - Bravo Zulu - "Well Done"

Captain's Cup - A field day, during which the divisions compete against each other for bragging rights.

Chit - Request for special permission

CO - Commanding Officer

Division - A group of about 88 recruits that will train together.

DMI - Departmental Material Inspection - An inspection of bed making, folding, and stowing of gear.

Great Mistakes - A slang term for Great Lakes Recruit Training Command.

Head - Bathroom

IT - Intensive Training - Getting IT’d is a consequence for all sorts of infractions.

LLD - Light Limited Duty - Given to recruits who are not up to par physically due to illness, injury or dental work.

MAA - Master At Arms is the Recruit responsible for discipline in the division.

Marlinspike - A life size model ship where Recruits practice mooring, line handling, and basic seamanship.

Muster - Roll Call

Navy - Never Again Volunteer Yourself - Slang from the mouth's of the Sailors themselves.

NEX - The Navy Exchange - A department store for Navy personnel and their families.

P-Days - Processing Days, also known as P-Week - P-Days occur when Recruits first arrive at boot camp. During P-Days, they are issued initial equipment, uniforms, and supplies. They also undergo medical and psychological tests, are interviewed, and are ultimately assigned to a division. When P-Week is over, Boot Camp officially begins.

Peanut Butter Shot - A very painful shot given in the buttocks or thigh.

PFA - Physical Fitness Assessment

PI - Personal Inspections - An inspection of a recruits personal appearance and uniform.

PIR - Pass In Review - Boot Camp Graduation.

PO - Petty Officer

PT - Physical Training

Rack - Bed

Rate - The use of the word "rank" for Navy enlisted personnel is incorrect. The term is "rate." The rating badge is a combination of rate (pay grade) and rating specialty.

Rating - A Sailors job specialty

RDC - Recruit Division Commander

R-POC - Recruit Chief Petty Officer - The Recruit in charge of the division when the RDC’s are not present.

SEPS - Separation - The barracks for those who are awaiting separation from the Navy.

Ship - Barracks

SIQ - Sick In Quarters

Smurfs - Recruits will be issued Navy sweat suits when they arrive which they will wear until their first uniform issue a few days down the road. This makes them stand out so that everyone will know that they are the low man on the totem pole.

SR - Seaman Recruit

THU - Temporary Holding Unit - The barracks for those who are finished with boot camp, but are waiting to be transferred to school or their duty station.

Watch - Standing Watch - Time spent guarding the ship (barracks).

Yeoman - Clerk or secretary
















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