Any Freemasons put there? My sailor & I are both Masons in Wasington DC.
I started a Freemason group at Navy for Moms. I invite any Freemason to join there, no matter what jurisdiction or affiliation.
Discretion of course is required, and the rules about religion and politics apply.
Let's do well by doing good for each other.
You need to be a member of Navy Dads to add comments!
Hi Steve. i'm not a sailor, but I am a Brother FC Mason. My wife is leaving to bootcamp on September and it would be good to bond with a Brother Mason.
Hi Steve, This is NavyMom Jean,, I'm Eastern Star, and my daughter was the Grand Worthy Advisor of R.I., so we are a Masonic Family. I will pass this link on to my Seabee, as he is interested in becoming a Mason. Good luck!!
Thanks a lot. In DC we have a military lodge: WM is 2nd Class PO, his treasurer is a Brigadier Gen. Jr steward is a Navy Capt. Just before shipping, James. Had dinner with these Fred,
Every year I get all evangelical about Charles Dickens "A Christmas Carol."
Most of us are so familiar with this from the many movies that we never read the actual book. It's small. It's easy to read. It is, among other disciplines, a manifesto of what Freemasonry means.
If you haven't, give it a read. It's on Google books.
On Dec 13, 2009, at 12:13 AM, FRED MILLIKEN wrote:
Subject: FW: [Fwd: A Novel Idea]
Something to consider:
When doing your Christmas cards this year, take one card and send it to
this address. If we pass this on and everyone sends one card, think of
how many cards these wonderful special people who have sacrificed so
much would receive. When you are making out your Christmas card
list this year, please include the following:
A Recovering American Soldier
c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center
6900 Georgia Avenue,NW
Washington , D.C. 20307-5001
If you approve, please pass on this message. If you do, please delete my
address from the top, and place all your forwarding email addresses in
Bcc: or Undisclosed Recipients, the same as this was sent to you. Thanks! =
plus another Capt and a command Sgt Major. Meeting on the level. I find it quite moving, but then I'm a sentimental old coot.
Art Cabral said:
Hi Steve, This is NavyMom Jean,, I'm Eastern Star, and my daughter was the Grand Worthy Advisor of R.I., so we are a Masonic Family. I will pass this link on to my Seabee, as he is interested in becoming a Mason. Good luck!!
Every year I get all evangelical about Charles Dickens "A Christmas Carol."
Most of us are so familiar with this from the many movies that we never read the actual book. It's small. It's easy to read. It is, among other disciplines, a manifesto of what Freemasonry means.
If you haven't, give it a read. It's on Google books.
On Dec 13, 2009, at 12:13 AM, FRED MILLIKEN wrote:
Subject: FW: [Fwd: A Novel Idea]
Something to consider:
When doing your Christmas cards this year, take one card and send it to
this address. If we pass this on and everyone sends one card, think of
how many cards these wonderful special people who have sacrificed so
much would receive. When you are making out your Christmas card
list this year, please include the following:
A Recovering American Soldier
c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center
6900 Georgia Avenue,NW
Washington , D.C. 20307-5001
If you approve, please pass on this message. If you do, please delete my
address from the top, and place all your forwarding email addresses in
Bcc: or Undisclosed Recipients, the same as this was sent to you. Thanks! =
plus another Capt and a command Sgt Major. Meeting on the level. I find it quite moving, but then I'm a sentimental old coot.
Art Cabral said: