Navy Dads

Has anyone had any interaction with the nuke school in Charleston, SC?  Brandon is starting his A school there (machinest mate) and is to go into the nuke program after A school.  I was looking for general info about the school and Goose Creek Navel Base and area.






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Click this link for the Nukes Group
They should be able to answer any of the questions you may have.
My son finished his A school about 5 weeks ago. There was somewhere between 25 to 30% that didn't make it. They have mandatory study hours depending on how well they do, if they are not doing well they up the mandatory study hours trying to help them make it threw. My son said the food is some of the best cafeteria food he has ever had. Do not take any kind of camera or recording device phone camera into study area. My son said the water at the beach wasn't that clean. Also if your son is coming home after A school ask him if he wants to help the recruiter he can spend just a little time and not have to use as much of his leave time. Tell your son thank you for serving our country and congratulations on doing well on the asvab also good luck.
Machinist mate "A" school was a blast according to Russell. Russell also lost his life there at the school.
And the Navy has not told us yet very much about his death, still under investigation.
In the Nuke thread there is a article about "Spice".
The base when we visited looked new and the barracks were nice.
Out in the sticks not much of junk food around. I mean no real burger joints, unless you had a car.
It is humid for about 3/4's of the year!!!!! :) It was entirely too green. I am from Calif. so I am used to Brown. Here everything is brown the hills to the houses.

thank you for the info, sorry about being so late in my reply

KS Dad said:

Here's some info I got from N4M's when my son was in A school @ GC:

Phase I: Arrival to Goose Creek - 4 weeks.

* Curfew of 12:15am every night.
* Can't leave the barracks until 5am.
* No drinking, regardless of age.
* No driving allowed, on or off base. They can RIDE in cars with their parents and with permission. I have been told that they cannot even ride bikes, and I have visited the base 4 times now and have not seen any Phase I-ers on bikes
(you can tell Phase I-ers because they're in uniform on the weekends)
* Must wear uniform at all time, on or off base, even on weekends. Exception for the beach.
* Not allowed to travel beyond a 75-mile radius. (Note: this radius is a straight-line radius. For example, my home is 1.75 hours from their base, but since a straight line from the base to my house is less than
75 miles, it is allowed.)
* No overnight liberty requests allowed (except for, perhaps, extenuating circumstances)
* Girlfriends/fiancees/wives: EASY on the hand holding/kissing/PDA if in public. Don't take it personally if your sailor is wary about your arm being around his waist.

Phase II: 4 weeks - 8 weeks

* Same curfew on weekdays/weekends
* Can request overnight liberty on weekends (must fill out an overnight liberty request "chit")
* Of-age Sailors may drink
* Sailors may (after appropriate paperwork has been approved) bring their cars on base and drive on and off base
* Civilian clothes are allowed after classes on weekdays and on weekends
* Not allowed to drive past a 350-mile radius (if the destination is just outside the radius however, the Sailor may get an Okay from his/her Chief to drive past 350 miles). If the destination is further, the
Sailor must fly (and I believe must provide the flight itinerary to
his/her Chief)

Phase III: 8 weeks - ?

* Overnight liberty automatically granted on weekends
* Otherwise, same privileges as listed above
* I'm not sure about traveling rules - can anyone else be specific on a Phase III-er's traveling privileges or if there are any restrictions?
thank you for the info

proud dad Nuke sailor said:
My son finished his A school about 5 weeks ago. There was somewhere between 25 to 30% that didn't make it. They have mandatory study hours depending on how well they do, if they are not doing well they up the mandatory study hours trying to help them make it threw. My son said the food is some of the best cafeteria food he has ever had. Do not take any kind of camera or recording device phone camera into study area. My son said the water at the beach wasn't that clean. Also if your son is coming home after A school ask him if he wants to help the recruiter he can spend just a little time and not have to use as much of his leave time. Tell your son thank you for serving our country and congratulations on doing well on the asvab also good luck.
thank you for the info, we are from the mountains of Western NC, so we are use to a lot of green and humidity in the summer and in the winter gray and a mild cold. Brandon did comment to me that the humidity was harder to adjust too than he expected. This should be the start of his second week of A school. I am sorry for your loss, I have no words that can express my shock and sorrow when I read your statement.

Monty Payne

David said:
Machinist mate "A" school was a blast according to Russell. Russell also lost his life there at the school.
And the Navy has not told us yet very much about his death, still under investigation.
In the Nuke thread there is a article about "Spice".
The base when we visited looked new and the barracks were nice.
Out in the sticks not much of junk food around. I mean no real burger joints, unless you had a car.
It is humid for about 3/4's of the year!!!!! :) It was entirely too green. I am from Calif. so I am used to Brown. Here everything is brown the hills to the houses.


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