Navy Dads

This Discussion is intended as a place where parents and other loved ones who have SRs with a PIR of 30 November to gather and meet-and-greet and talk about this adventure.  Of course, I suppose anyone is welcome. 

If anyone knows of others on facebook and, please direct them this way, too.

Hopefully, this will be a place where we can share stories about phonecalls and letters from our SRs. 

And I look forward, already, to meeting all of y'all at PIR.



Attention on deck!

From RTC:

There will be FIFTEEN divisions graduating Nov. 30th. RTC is abiding by the policy that Active Duty/military retirees and children twelve and under do not count toward the 4 invitations each recruit receives. However, if an individual is not on the access list they will NOT be able to enter the drill hall (NO stand by). Please plan on arriving at least two hours before the ceremony, which begins promptly at 9 a.m. Thanks to all for your continued support of Recruit Training Command, the Navy's only boot camp!

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I want to congratulate you all!!  For this PIR discussion there are 27 pages of posts so far....I think that is a NavyDads record for a single PIR.  It is rare to see a group of parents so engaged with PIR and to post so much news and help for others.  Not only do we congratulate you for your sailor's PIR, but for your role as active parents in your sailor's accomplishments!  HooYah!!!!

A word to the wise from someone who attended the Nov. 21 graduation.  Do not be late!!! - there were 11 divisions graduating on 11/21 and the stragglers had a difficult time finding seats.  If you want the best choice of seats, get there no later than 7:30 a.m. and earlier is even better. It's a short wait when you realize why you're there.

been preaching that for years John !!!!

Getting so excited!  Can't wait to see my son and meet so many of you.

2 more sleeps before we are Chicago-bound.  Bundle up!

I just started wondering--- maybe it would be best to make dinner reservations somewhere for Friday night.... with 7000 people expected for PIR-- we might not be the only ones planning on celebrating that night!


Anyone have good suggestions for steak places?


Got the "I'm a sailor call" from my son. He said all in Div 23 passed.
I have to say BRAVO ZULU to NAVYDADS.COM with out this site I would of been lost so thanks again I know it's not the end it's the beginning for our sailors so I hope to see y'all or all there leaving Texas early tomorrow

My son will be one of the graduating sailors and I can’t wait to see him. I have read many of post here on Navy Dad’s about PIR and have yet to come across the answer I’m looking for so hopefully someone can help me out. I understand that we must arrive early as seating is on a first come basis but (1) Where is the best place to sit to make sure I have a good view of him? If I were at the Super Bowl or All Star game and wanted to really see the half time show I would make sure to sit on the home team side not the visitor’s side for optimal viewing. (2) What is the best side, section and or rows to make sure I get a GREAT view as video WILL be rolling? I heard that the parking line will be long in the morning and to avoid that line I could just drop off my car their the night before, catch a cab back to the hotel and again to the RTC in the morning to avoid the long car line. (3) Is this correct? Also, (4) will the lines be long to stand in to enter the RTC on graduation morning if I’m being drop off by cab or shuttle? (5) What is the quickest and most efficient way onto base on graduation morning?


Tx’s for all your Help


Got the call from my son in 802: he's a sailor!  It's a great day!  See you all on Thursday/Friday!

Me too Scott!  He said he got to look his RDC in the eye for the first time, shook his hand and was called "Shipmate."  He says "It's pretty awesome."  They get a pizza party tomorrow.


I guess I'll go to Chicago after all.  Wasn't really planning on it....  HA!!!!!

Sorry no one was able to answer your questions.  My understanding is that there are sections marked out so you can sit in front of where your particular Division Sailors will be marching in/standing for PIR.  It's best to get up off the floor a little--maybe mid way up the bleachers.  From many who have been there before-- the Shuttles are the way to go.
gt2010 said:

My son will be one of the graduating sailors and I can’t wait to see him. I have read many of post here on Navy Dad’s about PIR and have yet to come across the answer I’m looking for so hopefully someone can help me out. I understand that we must arrive early as seating is on a first come basis but (1) Where is the best place to sit to make sure I have a good view of him? If I were at the Super Bowl or All Star game and wanted to really see the half time show I would make sure to sit on the home team side not the visitor’s side for optimal viewing. (2) What is the best side, section and or rows to make sure I get a GREAT view as video WILL be rolling? I heard that the parking line will be long in the morning and to avoid that line I could just drop off my car their the night before, catch a cab back to the hotel and again to the RTC in the morning to avoid the long car line. (3) Is this correct? Also, (4) will the lines be long to stand in to enter the RTC on graduation morning if I’m being drop off by cab or shuttle? (5) What is the quickest and most efficient way onto base on graduation morning?


Tx’s for all your Help

1) Each Section has a Division sign in front of it....find your Son's Division and you will be sitting across from him for PIR. 
2)Midway up the bleachers or the Balcony perhaps if you want to shoot from above.

3) NO dropoff the night before unless you park at the train station across from RTC...a pay lot

4) The lines will be long but they move along at a good pace. Get there early!

5) Shuttle from your hotel if available
gt2010 said:

My son will be one of the graduating sailors and I can’t wait to see him. I have read many of post here on Navy Dad’s about PIR and have yet to come across the answer I’m looking for so hopefully someone can help me out. I understand that we must arrive early as seating is on a first come basis but (1) Where is the best place to sit to make sure I have a good view of him? If I were at the Super Bowl or All Star game and wanted to really see the half time show I would make sure to sit on the home team side not the visitor’s side for optimal viewing. (2) What is the best side, section and or rows to make sure I get a GREAT view as video WILL be rolling? I heard that the parking line will be long in the morning and to avoid that line I could just drop off my car their the night before, catch a cab back to the hotel and again to the RTC in the morning to avoid the long car line. (3) Is this correct? Also, (4) will the lines be long to stand in to enter the RTC on graduation morning if I’m being drop off by cab or shuttle? (5) What is the quickest and most efficient way onto base on graduation morning?


Tx’s for all your Help

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