
  • I want to let everyone know that on fb there is a PIR group for all family members. Just search PIR 02/26/16 it's a private group so you grace to request booing but it's a good group. A lot of 900 div and others div. There's also a 900 div page. Just wanted to let you all know plus there's Navy Mom's which is just like our page for dad's.

  • Brain,

    My son called Saturday and we talked for an hour. He said that he got to go to the NEX fit a reward and bought a peanut butter cup. He said it was the best damn pursuit butter cup he's ever had. I laughed so hard at that connect. He also bought one fit his rack mate as a treat. I love how the div is coming together.

    Brian hooks said:

    Just got a hour phone call! They did well on a test and got 2 hours at the exchange (snack bar ,pool tables phones) she doing great, she loves it its all coming together
  • Brett,

    My son spent six years in the sea cadets svc he's says that's made a big difference in the whole thing. I'm do proud of him.

    Brett Mills said:

    My son is Ship 06 Div 106 also. I've got to talk to him a few times. He says that he's really liking it.  I've never heard of someone liking basic but he says that he does. I guess 4 years of JROTC and a year of ROTC got him ready for it.

  • That's great Jon, my sin had been saying the same thing about it all coming together. Only two weeks to go.HOYAAH
    Jon Suter said:

    We got his 3rd letter today. In his 2nd letter he said this was the toughest thing he's ever done. In this letter he said everything is getting a lot better and the tone of the letter was very upbeat. His division is performing in the PIR tomorrow and he is pumped up for that. I'll be watching online and hoping I see him. Feb.26th can't get here quick enough.

  • We also got a phone call. He is doing well. He said being SWSL is brutal but they haven't replaced him so he must be doing a good job. Also said he got preliminary orders and he got ATO. He is very excited about that. Great to hear from him! 2 weeks to go.

  • Just got a hour phone call! They did well on a test and got 2 hours at the exchange (snack bar ,pool tables phones) she doing great, she loves it its all coming together
  • My son is Ship 06 Div 106 also. I've got to talk to him a few times. He says that he's really liking it.  I've never heard of someone liking basic but he says that he does. I guess 4 years of JROTC and a year of ROTC got him ready for it.

  • My daughter is in 26pir ship2 div915 we heard from her 3 weeks ago and after a rough start she was doing great. She was put in charge of the weapons and log book, she said in last letter that she was singing with choir for the pir. She loves to sing just not apart of group so this is real growth for her
  • We got his 3rd letter today. In his 2nd letter he said this was the toughest thing he's ever done. In this letter he said everything is getting a lot better and the tone of the letter was very upbeat. His division is performing in the PIR tomorrow and he is pumped up for that. I'll be watching online and hoping I see him. Feb.26th can't get here quick enough.

  • We got a phone call the same day!

    Jon Suter said:

    We got a phone call from him on the 17th. He has a leadership position and is part of the Drill Team. He said he doesn't get much sleep but was excited and doing well. I don't think I've ever written so many letters!

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