PIR Information

We just got back from our son's PIR (he graduated June 15, 2012) and what an experience it was! We were excited to see him! We flew in from California to Chicago O'Hare Airport the day before PIR. We rented a car from ACE Rental as suggested by the flyer we received in the mail. It was really quick and easy getting picked up from the airport and taken to their rental agency. We called them while in baggage claim and by the time we reached the level we needed to be at, we waited about 5 minutes before two shuttles showed up. If you have your own navigation device that you're comfortable using, take it with you in your carry-on and use it! The one in the car didn't always work well for us so we were so glad we brought our own!

The drive North was quick and easy and the people at the rental agency were very helpful in pointing us in the right direction. We arrived at the Red Carpet Inn and were promptly met by the local law enforcement who asked where we were from. We said we were from California and in town for the graduation. He asked if the hotel told us about Flanagan's, which is just across the parking lot from the hotel? We told him no, we didn't know anything about the place. He said the place is fine during the day but at night it becomes a loud bar that they have to patrol it heavily. He said it's not a place to go at night and if you get a knock at your door in the middle of the night you do not want to answer the door. He strongly recommended we drive a few more miles north and find another place to stay. He commented and said he wished the hotel would warn people about the place when they make a reservation but then that would be bad for business. (Note: This was from our personal experience only and am just passing this information along. Your experience may have been different and/or better).

We drove a few miles farther North on Green Bay and found a Ramada Inn. We stayed there one night (which I will explain later as to why). The Ramada has a really nice place to eat inside and they have a "Meet-and-Greet" time from 6-8 where Navy families can meet each other before PIR. They offer food there so don't eat first! We had dinner at the restaurant, went to the meet-and-greet and then decided to do do a "dry run" drive to where the PIR was going to be held. The Ramada offers a free shuttle to and from, however we decided to drive ourselves. We drove and got the "lay of the land" and then went back to our room. Our night there wasn't bad, it was just loud! The walls are paper thin and we could hear everything. The people above us partied till 2 in the morning so we didn't get much sleep. We left for PIR at around 5:45 the next morning, drove through McDonald's for breakfast and then sat in line in the car for about a half hour. If you drive, do not block any intersections or pull to the side of the road. Stay in line with the rest of the cars. The local police patrol the street heavily and will make you move your car out of line thus you will lose your place! Entering the base was really easy! They checked the rental agreement, our ID's and the parking pass we got on-line and they let us through. I let my family off in front of the hall where they hold PIR. You have to do this very quickly as they like to keep traffic moving! I went around to the other side of the hall where they parked us in a parking structure. Make sure everyone has their ID with them at all times! ID's are checked again before you go inside. I went through the Visitors Center while my family waited on the other side of the building to get inside. We decided to see who would get in first to save seats. Also, please note, if you need wheelchair assistance, the people are really nice and good about assisting you! I didn't need this, but this was my observation.

My family got in before me and saved me a seat. It got crowded quickly as people arrived. We didn't take the shuttle because we felt it gets you to the hall late and picks you up to take you back to the hotel too early (our opinion). There's a balcony section above that was filled up because of the number of people. The seats were worth getting up earlier and waiting! It was really cold inside that hall! Take a jacket or a sweater with you!!! They do serve coffee inside (for a fee) if you want to keep warm. Everyone was dressed from suits to shorts so you don't have to worry about a "dress code." You make friends really quickly being there and sitting so close together. We met so many great families!

The ceremony was absolutely wonderful! I won't spoil it for anyone and all I will say is, have tissue on hand and your camera ready! Know where your sailor will be and sit in their section so you can get to them quicker at the end. At the end of the ceremony you can stay inside the hall for about 10 minutes then you have to go outside with them. You will be glad to get back outside where it is warm!!! They will help direct you to where you should be. We were able to stay with our son for about an hour and a half. He went back to his ship to get some things for us that he wanted us to take home (that took about 20 minutes). We waited for him outside the chapel and then hung out there until he needed to leave.

Our son is being stationed across the street at Great Lakes for his A-School. While he was being processed and going through orientation we left the base and went to eat (we went through the Visitors Center first. It gives you a glimpse of what your sailor went through). We then went back to the Ramada and checked out to find a quieter place to stay since we were staying the weekend to be with our son. He called after about three hours and we drove to where he was and picked him up. Once you have your sailor with you in the car you can use your original PIR vehicle gate pass and your sailor to drive on the base. This made it easy for returning him at night! They do have a curfew! 

For those whose sailor is shipping out for A-School, in our observation, those sailors were given liberty right away to be with their families. In talking to numerous families whose sailor was leaving Great Lakes, they said their sailor's had to be on a bus at 1:am heading to the airport. I had heard numerous times that families can follow the bus to the airport and get a pass to get through security to wait with their sailor at the gate. I never heard anything back as to the validity of this information so check with your sailor.

Don't be afraid to ask questions when you get there. Everyone is so very friendly and helpful! Again, the above information is from our own personal experience from this past weekend. It is not meant to offend anyone or put down any place of business. Had someone passed this information along to me before I left I would have appreciated the insight and not wasted so much of my time like we did. Your experience may have been completely different than ours. Enjoy! It's worth it!!!

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  • Thanks for the valuable information! Will def take into account when our son goes to PIR . Thanks again!
  • Thanks for the valuable information! Will def take into account when our son goes to PIR . Thanks again!
  • Thanks for the valuable information! Will def take into account when our son goes to PIR . Thanks again!
  • Chuck, thank you very much for the information. My son graduates on July 6th. I already made reservations at the Ramada. I liked how close the hotel was to the facility and the meet & greet afterwards. My son will be leaving Great Lakes for San Antonio for his "A" school. The information I saw was that he had to be back on base at 10:00 pm. We just planned on taking him back to the hotel and spending time by the pool or shopping for necessities for the trip. We too rented a car. I like the idea of taking our own car so we can walk around the base and leave at our own pace.

    Thanks Again.
  • Thanks for sharing this Chuck :)

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