PIR seating

Greetings to all! We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and holiday. We enjoyed our family but missed our son something awful. He is still in boot for 2 more weeks. He graduates on Jan. 9th Div 060. I have a question I am hoping someone may have an answer for. Is the seating for PIR on a first come first serve basis? And how do you know where the divisions will line up? How soon can you be at the gate? Is it an all out jail break for the Parade hall or do they let you through one group at at time ( ie families ) I don't know what to expect so I am hoping for some really really good pointers. Any advice would be very much appreciated.. Well, Happy New Year to all and Godspeed to our sailors. Thanks, Bill Sick one proud Papa

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  • there is not much to add that Mark has not covered. As I tell everyone about to do a PIR, be sure to check out the PIR group as there are a number of posts and suggestions. After doing two PIRs, taking the shuttle is the only way to go. They bypass the huge line of cars trying to get on base, and though you have to walk perhaps a quarter of a mile total, it is well worth it. Be sure ask about the shuttle when you check in at your place of lodging. Mind you the the gates open early so you can beat the rush...but you'll have to sit there longer. If there are a lot of divisions, the place gets pretty darn full...the jail break will be when they announce liberty...THAT is chaos! You'll have to get out the hall pretty fast after PIR, but you can spend more time with your sailor at MCPON Hall or the exchange building.
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