PIR, Security and Car Passes

I am hoping to get some additional information. I am getting conflicting information from various people. The situation is my son is scheduled for his PIR on April 24, 2009. They hand out 4 tickets and 1 car pass. My ex-wife will be recieving the graduation packet with tickets and car pass. She is sharing two with myself and my wife, but I have an 11 year old son who would love to see the PIR. Here is where I am getting conflicting information. Does a child under 12 have to be on the security access list with a ticket? Or is that limited to a child under 2? Also does anyone know if you can get a second car pass? Although the information in this discussion leads me to think it would be much better to take a shuttle, I need to know just in case. If anyone can assist with information, it would be greatly appreciated. BTW, I was glad to find this site.

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  • Ken, my son also has his Pir on 4-24. We got our grad pack last week, and it says you can only get one parking pass due to the limited parking available. As for your 11 year old son, it says children under the age of 12 DO NOT count against the four seat maximum, so he would be able to go. It says that the recruit will turn in a final list of names about a week before PIR, and these are the only ones with a guarenteed seat, any one else is on a first come first serve basis as space permits. I would have your son add his brothers name and state that he is under 12 just to make sure. hope this helps you out.
  • Thanks for the link. I had heard from a couple of recruiters somethings different, but the information in the link makes sense. Too bad, my younger son would have been impressed by the Navy. Thanks again

    Tim said:
    I am not sure on your question as I can't remember but give this link a shot it is very helpful. There are more links on the bottom right hand of the page that will help you out some also.
  • Ken,
    I am not sure on your question as I can't remember but give this link a shot it is very helpful. There are more links on the bottom right hand of the page that will help you out some also.
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