My son left for basic on Wednesday to arrive at Great Lakes, IL. His 'contract' has him listed as E-1. He proceeds to A camp in MS after that. He is also scheduled for C camp at Lejune afterwards. What is pay rate increase typically after achieving Navy Enlisted Classification RP-2401 Marine Basic Combat Skills Specialist?

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  • I was referring to Marine Combat Camp for the martial arts training.

    Keith Thorn said:

    I think my son will enjoy the Marine Martial Arts training as he has been in martial arts, MMA, and cage fighting since he was 15. How will he be able continue any martial arts rank training after basic?

  • I think my son will enjoy the Marine Martial Arts training as he has been in martial arts, MMA, and cage fighting since he was 15. How will he be able continue any martial arts rank training after basic?

  • Thanks for the heads-up!

  • careful with that assumption....there are ratings where A-school alone is more than 18 months long..........

  • Thanks for the links and charts, very informative!

    NavyDads Admin (Paul) said:

    believe typical time to E3 is 9 months (

    Career Path After Recruit Training

    Enlistees are taught the fundamentals of this rating through on-the-job training or formal Navy schooling. Advanced technical and operational training is required in this rating during later stages of career development.

    Class "A" school is in Meridian, MS 40 Days, basic skills required in the rating.

    Class "C" school Marine combat training school in Camp Lejune, NC. 5 weeks of basic Marine combat skills.

  • Thanks Paul for the feedback and resources. I was only thinking that my son would have additional skills on the job after C camp that most Navy does not require and wondering if that would gain him anything extra as the camp is 'above and beyond' what most others would have - yet maybe it's just his 'required' training?

  • believe typical time to E3 is 9 months (

    Career Path After Recruit Training

    Enlistees are taught the fundamentals of this rating through on-the-job training or formal Navy schooling. Advanced technical and operational training is required in this rating during later stages of career development.

    Class "A" school is in Meridian, MS 40 Days, basic skills required in the rating.

    Class "C" school Marine combat training school in Camp Lejune, NC. 5 weeks of basic Marine combat skills.

  • To re-ask the question differently (hopefully, more correctly): What would rate be typically after achieving Navy Enlisted Classification RP-2401 Marine Basic Combat Skills Specialist for my son assuming E-2 after basic and going through A Class in MS?

  • Thanks for all the info! It is very appreciated.

  • 2474921479?profile=original

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