I didn't see a discussion for my son's division, so I thought I'd get the ball rolling here. Just got a letter today, and he's doing well. He's still getting used to the early hour wake ups, rushing through the can, and getting yelled at; but, he loves the chow...you gotta know my son, LOL! Will be making reservations this weekend for attending PIR ~ it will be here before you know it.
Hoping to get a phone call today - our son is in the 808. Letter say the shoes are bad. He is used to a lot mor PT so the sitting around it driving him nuts. Lots of waiting around. Said when they get in trouble it’s wrecking there beds and making them all over again. Just part of working as a team. Anyone else here from their son/daughter today?
Hey ss, thanks for sharing. Got our second letters today too. Yes, I know what you mean about "tone being better." My son sounds like he's kinda settled in...still pretty chaotic, LOL, but he sounds tuned in. He let me know he had a big inspection and some major tests coming the next day that he needed to get ready for. Those are the kinds of words this dad likes to hear...
Thanks, Ruth! No worries... I talked to my son's girlfriend yesterday, and she got about a 10 minute phone call from him. He's doing well, but has a bit of a cold right now. He's pretty confident that PIR on March 16th is a GO for him, so we're going to book our flights ASAP!
Hope your guy is doing well too...cheers!
hey, rc I'm sure you already know this but i just read boot camp & a watch is permitted
sorry for my previous comment rj
ruth said:
Roger C said:
hey, rc glad to hear from you ! my mail stop over the weekend and after getting over
100 messages daily, i thought i had committed a security breach
I think at this stage & in our div. i'd walk the straight & narrow
i haven't heard of anyone wareing a watch you'll see him on the 16th
besides someone tells him what to do & when ! my sr wants us to find an
eating place that serves PALEO food ( i think thats how it spelled )
he misses his own cooking hang in there regards rj
hey rj,
I think weight loss, sore feet, etc. will be a normal condition for our guys for the next few months, eh?
My son is asking me to send his watch to him. He didn't think he would be allowed to keep his during boot camp, so he left it at home. I wonder if I send it, will it be considered a care package which we are not allowed to send during boot. Any thoughts?
rc there are several of us aboard got my first letter yesterday he has lost several lbs
has a few sores on feet misses crossfit training but happy to be there rj